03-Feb-2021 - Still alive and reading HP stories - 16 years (reading) and counting - how sad. I have thought of going back and cleaning up some of my stories and doing a part 2 on 'Harry's life before Hogwarts', but I would have to redo a good part of that story before I do a part 2.
Right now I'm taking care of my wife with MS and trying to think about retirement... but I'm too 'young' for Medicare.
Everyone keep up the good work with your writing.
Thank you for all the years of enjoyment.
03-Nov-2017 - Still alive - but with a new hip and knee. Previous hip was replaced 2 years ago an the second knee will be done later in December. Love to see all the New FF's going up. Keep up the good work! maybe someday I'll go back and fix some of my errors in my stories, or write something new.
Missing Bobmin365, MSgt Silverdollar and Broomstick flyer - Your contributions will be greatly missed.
If someone has a good story they'd like me to read, please, PM me.
Relationships I like - Harry with almost any girl BUT Ginny.
I also like smart, powerful Harry. If he's going to be the savior of the wizarding world, he should be able to know what he did to get there and how to handle it.
Dumbledore, Malfoy, and MOST (half) the Weasley (Not Bill, Charlie, or the twins) bashing. My opinion of Dumbledore has changed since I first started reading in the HP universe.
Thank you.
11-Oct-2015 - Still stuck on the last few chapters. Now you know why I didn't finish it for the 2014 NaNoWriMo contest.
21-Nov-2015 - As you can see I finally posted my story about Harry's life before Hogwarts. Hope you like it. I do have part of a one-shot about how Harry got his scare that is sure to piss a few people off. Maybe I'll post it some time. Other than that, Keep on writing and reading.
23-Apr-2016 - I am going back to my first story (Essences of Lily Revised) and have started to remove 'Disclaimers' and some of the spelling errors. I am thinking if I have enough time I will repost the chapters again - this time doing a better time of looking at the spelling and grammar etc. This will take time and may not show up for some time. I'm also thinking of doing a follow up to my latest story 'A Life before Hogwarts', but it will summarize the first three years at school and spend most of the time with what happens to Harry and Hermione during the Tri-wizard tournament. Again, this is just in the design stage and probably (see I can spell it correctly) won't be out for a year or so, depending on how things go.
I am scheduled to have a couple of surgeries on my knees sometime this year so that will either: a) give me time to work on the stories, or B) have me too loopy to do much work on it. We'll just have to see.