After approximately two years, I have decided to edit my profile; by edit, of course, I mean delete, for I am ashamed of it beyond imagination. (The latter applies to my stories as well. As an English nerd who is planning to get her major in English, with an emphasis on writing, just looking at them makes the editor in me squirm.) I do, however, remember that there were some people who enjoyed them, so they won't be deleted.
Update: 12/31/07 - I am currently reading the Twilight series. Any fanfics that I write within the next year are most likely to be based on Twilight. That's not a promise for fics, though. Unless I'm allowed to use a fanfic for a Creative Writing assignment, it's probably not going to happen.
Update: 1/18/08 - There, I did it. I wrote a Creative Writing poem that fits with New Moon.
Update 3/14/11 - Holy crap. I wrote a Twilight poem? Please kill me.
Update 8/19/2011 - Sooo I deleted that Twilight poem because it made my eyes bleed to look at. *cough* *hack*
Update 2 - Why is it still showing up? MAKE IT GO AWAY.