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Ducky1776 PM
Joined Sep '14

I'm a retired lady living in the American South. I got the Potter bug in late 2013. My opinions of the characters change depending on what fanfic I'm reading. I'm making my first foray into the fanfic nation. I've always wondered what would have happened if someone had dropped a dime to the DMLE that maybe Sirius wasn't guilty and they just might want to check their files for a trial transcript. There are so many places Dumbledore could have intervened for things to have turned out much differently for Harry but he chose not to. My Harry is more powerful than he was in the books/movies, but not inordinately so. I'm still wondering exactly where I'm going to take The Definition of Normal, but we'll just see where it wants to go. I'm setting my story in the third year because that's the only year Harry doesn't have to deal with Voldemort in some way or fashion. I know he doesn't have a normal year ever, but that's the whole point of this fic. Just what is "normal"? If anyone cares, I wrote this without a beta reader so you can blame me for all the mistakes!

Update 11/22/2019: Yes! I have another story in the works! It's not the one I thought I'd be posting, but it's another one that has now taken a life of its own. I want to write a bit more before I start posting because I need to know where I'm going with it and only my fingers know that at the moment and they're not sharing with the rest of me!

Update 4/1/2023: Hope is Fleeting is NOT the story I was working on in 2019. That one is still on the back burner for now. I know HiF is going slow, but it's not easy for me to write it, so I have to be in the right frame of mind. I also don't want to make it like The Definition of Normal either. Just know that I'm working on it and I'll eventually complete it. Thank you for reading my stories!

Update 2/8/2024: I hope you enjoy the latest adventure called Yule at Grimmauld Place. It started out to be just a one-shot of a family ritual, but someone had to show up and throw any hope of a short fic out the door. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot write one-shots! I hope you enjoy it! I have not abandoned Hope is Fleeting. I've hit a bit of a creative wall with it that I'm hoping I can burst through soon.

I have several other plot bunnies hopping around but I won't start them until I finish my other ones (and they're still hopping around several years after TDoN).

I welcome constructive criticism - nobody is perfect. If you just like to see how badly you can flame me, forget it. You'll be history. I have no problem with you saying you don't like something I wrote if you have a reason. Telling me I suck isn't constructive. Posting as a Guest will get you nowhere. I do not publish Guest reviews. Just proves you're a coward. I will be happy to discuss why I did something the way I did with anyone, but I can't reply to a Guest review.

I try to reply to most all reviews I get. Those that just say thanks, please post soon, 'I love it' or 'I hate it' I'll file away. I enjoy the conversations I'm having with my readers!

Let me thank (or blame) thewandcrafter for getting me addicted to Harry Potter and, as a result, HP fanfic. Her fic "Heart of the Guardian" is AWESOME.

As with all fanfic, I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters or settings. We can thank the illustrious J.K. Rowling for giving us this gift.

Notes for The Definition of Normal:

It appears there might be a bit of a difference between my story and Book 3 as written by Madam Rowling. I am working off of the 1993 calendar which has the Full moon on Aug 31 and Sept 1 is on a Wednesday meaning the first day of classes is Thursday. I couldn't really find a good list of class times, so I've made my own up. This is what I will have for Harry this year:

Monday: Double Charms, DADA, Lunch, Double Runes, Care of Magical Creatures

Tuesday: Double Transfiguration, History of Magic, Lunch, Potions, Double Herbology Night Astronomy

Wednesday: Runes, Free period (Divination, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies taught this time), Charms, Lunch, Double History, Herbology

Thursday: Free period (Divination, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies taught this time), Transfiguration, Lunch, Double Care of Magical Creatures

Friday: Double Potions, Free Period, Lunch, Double DADA


Miscellaneous Questions I have about Harry Potter and the FanFiction Universe. Feel free to PM me your thoughts:

1. If the wards around Privet Drive are supposed to be so strong to keep Death Eaters out, how could Severus Snape get through them?

2. How does everyone come up with all of these crazy names for house elves and goblins? :-)

3. What are Hermione's parents' real names? The default seems to be Dan and Emma, but there's nothing listed in the Lexicon for them. I chose the first names of the actors who played them in the movies.

4. On the first day of classes, why does it seem that the teachers know everybody's name when they've never met them? I'm thinking of Remus and the Boggart lesson.

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