-Nella Moonblood Royalle or Nella Alexandria Moonblood or NellaMoon or many other forms...this is the name of a character i created years ago (which i really love) thats all...=3=
..can just call me NELLA or MOON
-Started existing on Earth 1st December 1996 XD
-22 years old, Sagittarius, Female, INFP personality, i'm half chinese :3
-161cm tall, black hair, black (dark brown?) eyes
-currently an Architecture student (just started at the end of 2014)... currently in my final year... Architecture is awesome and all, but im not sure if i cud do this anymore.. but i dont have a choice! SO IMMA STILL DO IT!! GO GO MOON GO!!!
-Super duper crazy otaku, minor Cosplayer (Allen, 3rd uniform along with the Exorcism sword...it was so freakin heavy i don't know how Allen could fight with it XD )
-Hav been drowning myself in uncountable (can't remember actually =_=) amount of fanfics since graduating from high school which was 2013...but FINALLY hav d guts to FINALLY create an account hmmph!
(==) (=3=)
-ooookay will finally start publishing stories...i think it will most probably be YULLEN, cause tats like my fav pairing in the whole wide world!
...2018 UPDATE... I'll never know when I'll start writing again huhuhhu sorry to those who read n kinda look forward to my stories... sory im just not good at this commitment thing hewhew not yet that is x) and i still kinda havent figure out how to continue/end them so yeahhhh i
-Fav things to do: staring up at the sky =3=, drawing, YULLEN!, writing, reading, watching (anime, movies, cartoons, etc), singing, animals (nature), n blablabla many more Xp
-I apparently still don't have the courage to create a DeviantArt account...so i'll just be sharing my drawings of my fanfics here: http:///
-If anyone is interested, here's the link for :- (replace space with dot)
- Caressing Touch's cover: http:// share pho to/8lHJy
- Loving You's cover: http://pho to/8lwW3
-the others will be coming soon, hope you people will look forward for them X) i'll be putting the link here so come here once in awhile to check them out ok *winkwink*
(let me just say that... my scanner broke and it wouldn't be fixed anytime soon, so the pictures are literally pictures, i took it with my Sony compact camera T.T)