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obsidian-fox PM
My Stories 2
833Eldritch Asylum » Crossover: Harry Potter, Lovecraft Shadows in London run deeper than they ever did in Nerima. Ranma begins an epic tale of good, evil, and the vast twilight between them. Summary inside. DEAD
Ranma, T, English, Drama & Supernatural, chapters: 9, words: 129k+, favs: 648, follows: 547, updated: 4/12/2008 published: 9/13/2004, Ranma
76Void Contract » (Divergence & Crossover) Before leaving China, a demon attack initiates a fix in the relationship between father and son... and Ranma is attached to a few more girls. (On hiatus.)
Ranma, M, English, Drama & Adventure, chapters: 8, words: 50k+, favs: 67, follows: 55, updated: 10/9/2004 published: 6/26/2004
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