10/02/2022 - Hey guys, I've been getting lots of messages asking if I'm alright and when the next updates are coming, so I decided to update this thing and talk to all of you at once.
First of all, none of my stories were dropped. I got about 80% the next chapter of Avengers of Steel ready, so that should be the next update.
What's holding me back isn't writer's block or anything like that, I got really busy at the end of the year, and then I took a few vacation days, and when I got back to writing I had an unexpected family emergency and I'm still dealing with it.
I'm okay, like I said, and so is my family, but at the moment I'm dealing with this thing and it's taking all my time. I don't want to go into it, it's personal, but it's goddamn stressing and it's using all my free time, so right now, no time to write.
I hope everything is settled soon, but until then, I won't be able to devote my time to any of my stories.
I appreciate the concern, and I apologize, but right now I have to be there for my family. I hope you understand.
Thanks for all the kind messages and I hope you're all doing great.