My Stories 38
5Red Dyed Rose »
Law wakes up to the impossible, however due to his experiences with witnessing the impossible on the Grand Line he has learned to adapt- if numbly and bruised and battered.He is misplaced in time and acts out the one thing he wished he could change in his past for so long. Saving the man who saved him.With no clue how to fix his time displacement he once again adapts.Time Travel
One Piece, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 5k+, favs: 69, follows: 81, 10/15/2019, Bepo, T. Law, Corazon
Pregnancy can be hard enough being thrown into a realm of nothing but monsters makes the danger increase ten an learns just how dangerous when he discovers that he was pregnant when he and Sam left to face Dick Roman.With a protective vampire and an angel,his love,watching his back he can only hope that they can get the little life growing inside of him out of this alive. Chap Fixe
Supernatural, M, English, Supernatural, words: 4k+, favs: 4, follows: 4, updated: 10/5/2019 published: 10/3/2019
31Secrets In The Blood »
Luffy wasn't born to Dragon. Luffy's parents where two equally as powerful people, and they loved him more than anything. He was their little light. Their sunshine. How would Luffy's adventure change with these two as his parents? Would he walk the same path as fate originaly planned for him? Or will he viciously carve himself a new path made for a boy born for the sea's legacy?
One Piece, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 10, words: 9k+, favs: 239, follows: 259, updated: 7/8/2019 published: 2/20/2018, Luffy, Shanks, Mihawk, Strawhat Pirates
11Dying Embers and Melting Snow »
Natsu and Gray never made it to Fairy Tail as kids, instead a slave trader found them and threw them into a cave full of other prisoners. There they meet each other and escape. But escaping doesnt end their nightmare. They stay away from towns, and survive off the forests. As they travel they search for answers: to Gray's amnesia and their pasts. Running into Fairys along the way..
Fairy Tail, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Drama, chapters: 5, words: 8k+, favs: 38, follows: 42, updated: 4/20/2019 published: 12/7/2018, Gray F., Natsu D., Erza S., Lucy H.
Cut The Riptide »
What if a man scarred by the word was given the chance to save someone, and was given a family in exchange? Placed in the position of power he didnt want, he trued to make the best of it. When he sees the injustice about to happen he stops it, gaining allies. Secrets, are shown and when all seems lost to him, his family is there to help him. IchigoXAce, Ace!lives
One Piece & Bleach, M, English, Supernatural, chapters: 11, words: 13k+, favs: 257, follows: 293, updated: 4/7/2019 published: 7/11/2018, Luffy, Ace, Ichigo K., Yuzu K.
8I Will Love You Even Across Time »
Tsuna gets hit by a modified 10 yea bazooka.When the smoke clears it definitely is and isn't what anybody is pecially when two people show up instead of just their boss,and definitely not when one of them is at the age where crying and cooing is the only way they can communicate.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, T, English, Drama, chapters: 2, words: 319, favs: 40, follows: 61, 12/7/2018, Arcobaleno, Reborn, Vongola 10th Generation, Tsuna/Tsunayoshi S.
The Crimson Tide »
When Yokozawa Takafumi calls in sick, his lover, gets worried and goes to his apartment. What he finds isnt what he expected. Especially since what is in front of him is only supposed to be true in fairy tales. But when those sharp, long, fangs touch his neck he knows it is. AU Vampires/Rewritting
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, M, English, Romance, chapters: 7, words: 5k+, favs: 11, follows: 6, updated: 11/3/2018 published: 2/23/2018, Takafumi Yokozawa, Zen Kirishima
13The Curse »
Ace was born with a curse. A curse to see death. He hated it. It took people he loved away. But as he gets older, the curse seems to grow. Is it just a curse? Is it still a bad thing when it helps him save the life of a friend?
One Piece, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 2k+, favs: 96, follows: 117, 9/24/2018, Ace, Luffy, Whitebeard Pirates, Thatch
Fire In My Soul
(Ace is reborn as Reborn/Renato.) There was more to Reborn than the others seemed to know. But no secrets can stay in the shadows forever, and someone's suffering will eventually be uncovered. No matter mow much the person wants it to stay hidden. When everything does come to light, the ones who value him will have to move carefuly less they loose Reborn to the claws of the shadows
One Piece & Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, M, English, Angst, words: 930, favs: 117, follows: 142, 9/15/2018, Ace, Adult Reborn, Tsuna/Tsunayoshi S., Fon
Ace was born different. The ability to see the scars on a person's soul. It was a secret he kept well hidden. But.. when he joins the Whitebeards will he be able to hide anymore? And will he learn that he doesn't have to alone anymore? That he's not the only one who is different..
One Piece, T, English, Adventure & Supernatural, words: 302, favs: 107, follows: 127, 9/15/2018, Ace, Luffy, Edison, Whitebeard Pirates
2The River »
Ace was born a mermaid, not a human or fishman, but a mermaid. How would this change his story? His life? His view on life? As he goes through it he will find out suprises about himself, gain new friends, and live life to the fullest. (Ill make a better summary at a later date.)
One Piece, M, English, Adventure, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 29, follows: 41, 9/15/2018, Ace, Edison, Luffy, T. Law
2Snow Covering of Crimson Colors
Just a one shot. Placed after Ichigo lost his powers and before the fullbringer arc. His companion could be whoever you choose, except for a Shinigami.
Bleach, T, English, Supernatural & Drama, words: 392, favs: 6, follows: 5, 8/13/2018, Ichigo K.
49Cracked Glass Heart »
This is an One Piece Omegaverse. Because there are not enough of these. Will have yaoi, hetro couples, and maybe yuri. Mihawk/Shanks, Ace/Marco, Franky/Robin, Sanji/Zoro, Nami/Robin, Sabo/Koala, Roger/Rouge, etc. These will be stories separated into different parts and numbered. More info inside. Can do oneshot requests if it's wanted but will be doing my own story as well.
One Piece, M, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 40, words: 43k+, favs: 116, follows: 138, updated: 8/13/2018 published: 8/9/2017, Ace, Zoro, Shanks, Luffy
1It's Gonna Be Me »
A Soulmateverse story for Sanji/Zoro. Zoro cursed his fate. Obviously whoever was in charge of it hated him. He falls in love with someone that will never love him, and when all his hopes for someone to love him are left in his soulmate, that's crused too as the one he already loves and his soulmate are one in the same. Unknown to him his love might not be as hopeless as he thinks.
One Piece, T, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 2, words: 827, favs: 10, follows: 10, updated: 7/7/2018 published: 7/30/2017
White Tiger »
When Grimmjow thought he should have died, he didnt.He woke to three little human boys taking care of him.Faced with a different body,and the fact of never going home,he hatefully sticks around.But those three little boys worm themselves under his skin,and make a themselves at home in his heart no matter how much he tries to kick them on,he doesnt even want to go back. GASL
One Piece & Bleach, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Adventure, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 168, follows: 206, 6/2/2018, Ace, Luffy, Grimmjow J., Sabo
Rope Burns »
Paulie and the other foreman werent just fighting for the Strawhats. They had another man there at Ennies Lobby. A man taken from his world, fallen in love, and blackmailed into a corrupt government if he is to keep the one he loves safe. When the strawhats start to feel hopeless, maybe they just need the number one protector to step up. Omegaverse-Ichigo/Paulie. (Summary may chang
One Piece & Bleach, M, English, Family, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 22, follows: 34, updated: 5/24/2018 published: 4/19/2018, Paulie, Ichigo K., Iceburg, Zangetsu
14You Will Be Loved »
In a world where any gender can get pregnant, Yokozawa is faced with consequences of the love he has for Zen. Afraid, of the past repeating itself, he runs. Zen and Yokozawa long to be with one another, but find it hard when Yokozawa wont go back to him, and Zen cant find him. Years later when Zen gets a hint, he'll leap, but will he be prepaired for the pit he falls into? Rewritti
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, chapters: 9, words: 9k+, favs: 15, follows: 15, updated: 5/8/2018 published: 5/3/2018, Takafumi Yokozawa, Zen Kirishima, Hiyori Kirishima
26Ember Spark »
When fate shifts and one small thing is changed a butterfly effect is put into place. When Ace is born seven years after Luffy, things change. And at 18 Luffy sets sail with an extra person tagging along. After all no one will seprate them. And those who try will bring the wrath of the Strawhats upon them. They will not be seprated. Come hell or high water.
One Piece, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 7, words: 16k+, favs: 233, follows: 280, updated: 3/10/2018 published: 10/26/2017, Ace, Luffy, Strawhat Pirates
Crimson Hair Dancing At The Oceans Becon
nji died in the Thoudand Year Blood War. He heard tales of reincarnation being a peaceful and fun journey. He had expected it. What he got wasn't even close. He wakes up in pain, screaming, and with green hair. He gains things he never had before, but looses them just as quick. When he finds out that he is dying, will he have the ability to stop it? Will he want to?
One Piece & Bleach, T, English, Adventure, words: 1k+, favs: 16, follows: 37, 1/1/2018, Zoro, Renji A.
Oceans »
Sabo didn't die when he was attacked by the Celestial Dragons. Because of a mad scientists meddling, Sabo is stolen away to another world. The same scientist then persists to create the perfect soldier, forcing Sabo to be that soldier. Waking up in the future all he wants is to go home. But when he's pulled from the ice how can he? Is it hopeless? And then he smells the ocean.
One Piece & Avengers, T, English, Adventure & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 10, words: 10k+, favs: 101, follows: 129, updated: 12/30/2017 published: 9/3/2017, Sabo, Ace, Captain America/Steve R., Luffy