I love Supernatural FanFiction! I LOVE to read a good story.
My favorite Supernatural "character" is BABY! Oh WOW! I L O V E THAT CAR! Reminds me of my first car, which was a blue 1970 Dodge Coronet. It didn't have a muffler, and it just growled. Grrrrrowled!!!! And honey, let me tell you, a girl in a muscle car is "Man Bait"! LOL! - Yes I am probably older than you!
The "Man Character" of Supernatural that I would most likely paramour would be John Winchester (In my age bracket)! Eh, but I gots me a Man! I have been married since 1998. We are madly in LOVE and best friends. Another tip, anyone who says that "married sex is boring," just ain't doin it right! Damn though, if I lived in an AU and were at least 20 years younger, I'd be a SAM GIRL! Squeeeeeeel!!!! As it is, I ain't no cougar, nor am I delusional. At least, I'd like to HOPE that I am not delusional! Supernatural is my favorite TV show. I am completely covetous of the Impala!
I'm partial to stories that give Dean more smarts credit; Sam more killer credit; and John more good guy credit. I LOVE the dark stories best!
Check out my husband's story that he is writing. His pen name is techiedude, and the story is called NOWHERE KILLS.
I appreciate the humorous, the hot & steamy, the adventurous, the imaginative, the downright sweetly adorable and many other things.
PLEASE - Just because a word SOUNDS like another, it DOES NOT make them interchangeable! BIG PET PEEVE - Their, There, They're - are all completely separate words with separate meanings dangit!!! Also Too, To, and Two. DO NOT get me started on wOnder and wAnder! Sheesh! grrrrrrr...
However, I appreciate a story that is told well much more than I appreciate grammar. Wow! I just love this site! It's great to have a place to encourage creativity, imagination and self-expression.
Write and Carry On!