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AndyWrites7768 PM
Joined Apr '15

About my fanfiction


I love writing and reading fanfiction.

My current love is Harry Potter fanfiction. Though I have read a lot of Law and Order Svu. Some others that i read are Glee, ER, Bones, and probably others that i can't think of right now. LOL

My favorite stories are Hurt/Comfort and Romance.

As far as my own writing i have two completed SVU stories and one completed Harry Potter story. I also have one story on Hiatus that is 'Silver Lining' and I will get back to it at some point. I want to edit it and that is part of my hesitation at the moment. I know that the writing isn't great even if it's an okay story. I am currently writing 'The Joy and The Chaos' a Harry Potter Hurt/Comfort and Romance fic.

Okay fast facts.

1. I write Hurt and Comfort. There might be more things going on like a romance or something else but chances are if its mine the main theme is going to be Hurt and comfort.

2. I am happy to write most pairings. But my favorites are for SVU (Olivia/Rafael(Barson ) , Elliot/Olivia, and Sonny/Rafael) for Harry Potter ( Remus/Sirius(Wolfstar), Harry/Draco, Harry/Severus and Ron/Hermione Luna/Neville)

3. I love Reviews. Good or bad i love feedback although i do appreciate helpful feed back.

4. I would be happy to write stories if you have an idea and i love suggestions for current stories.


I have changed my settings so that guest comments are not automatically posted. I love my guest comments but i was getting spam that was making me uncomfortable so I will approve all guest comments as soon as i see then good or bad as long as they are not obvious spam.

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