Call me: Terry or Terri
I realize I haven't redone this in ages. I guess 2009/2010 were just the years that RL took me over, firstly for A Levels, and secondly, because I made some awesome lifelong friends. It was good for me, since I need the social experience with people in RL.
If you're here, it's probably because I reviewed something you wrote. Since I only review for fic I think is either well written, or has room for improvement, thanks for coming over to find out who I am, and I hope I gave a review of passable, if not good quality that helped you in one way or another. I'm not quite as temperable as I was in 2007/2008, so I highly doubt I'll give anyone a truly scathing review. If I do, I'll settle it on a case by case if you have issues and feel the need to scream at me. Just note that the very nature of posting your artistic work on a public domain gives users of said public domain the opportunity and right to give their personal opinion about it. If you have issues about it and choose to be emotional about it, you shouldn't have posted it here where any Tom, Dick, or Harry has access to it. Don't leave your stuff open to easy picking unless you can take it.
BASIC spelling and grammar mistakes. Stuff that jump out at you when you read. Nothing irritates me more than something with great potential, or an awesome plot, and BAD spelling and grammar. I mean, if you managed to write something so engrossing, at least make the effort to use a spell check, or ask someone else to check it over. Dyslexia and learning disabilities are not an excuse to me, because EVERYONE can use a dictionary. Or ask a close/good friend to check. Please. I'm begging you. Stop torturing my eyes. It hurts.
So, first things first. I'm a lazy ass. Therefore, anything you find in my favorites list is not guaranteed to be of good quality since I've been here since about 6 to 7 years ago. That's a long time, and I definitely have changed a lot. Changed to have higher standards in what I read, and completely dropped out of certain fandoms. Most of the higher quality stuff I read are not from FFN; and are generally from Star Trek. Generally, I have a greater appreciation for things written in the Trek fandom because the quality of writing in the community is regulated well, and tropes are exploited in a way that isn't as in-your-face as stuff I've seen on FFN. It is mainly because the community of writers and readers only share and recommend works of standard, so I've never had to face the horror of badly written Trekfic. The Kirk/Spock community are an especially nice group of people that love their OTP, are unashamed of and open about their obvious biasness, and respect the OTPs of others as well. So far, little drama due to the respect that is given to every person there.
I'm currently a first year university student in Singapore, trying to make at least Second Upper Honors in the hopes of findng her way into a PhD program. Fanfiction reading has been both a blessing and a curse to me: a blessing because I enjoy reading, and an unlimited database on the web is a treasure chest of wonders to me. A curse because reading is a bad habit for me - once I start, I usually don't stop till I finish, and immediately go on to the next story. Needless to say it has distracted me from my work countless times. But I suppose authors will appreciate the fact that I usually read their works in one huge reading with no breaks, so when I do a review at the last chapter, I do a general review, an overhual of the entire story, so it's not in bits and pieces. Althought I do admit that makes me miss out on the little details in between sometimes.
I used to entertain ideas of writing and posting, as I'm sure most, if not all regulars on FFN have, but in recent years I have come to the conclusion that I'm utterly useless as a writer of novels, or any kind of fictional account. Thus, I can only offer readers of this profile my services as a beta reader to check through your chapter for typos and glaring errors. Do note that English is my first language, so I will definitely be a victim of my own culture.
By that, I refer to the fact that native speakers of English usually make habitual errors in their speech due to the dialect of English spoken in their own countries, or even their own cities. This is because people bound to a certain place and time will form their own slang and verbal or physical shorthands to communicate with each other, which will most definitely deviate from the tradtional Queen's English. In Singapore, the most commonly spoken form of language amongst people younger than about 60 is Singlish, or Singapore Colloquial English (SCE). It is a form of dialect whereby the grammar, sentence structure, as well as the vocabulary and pronunciation are heavily influenced by the migrants that came to Singapore during its early days, namely Mandarin and its various dialects, Malay, and sometimes Tamil as well.(and the inner linguist in me emerges... apologies for the digression!)
So do feel free to PM me about anything if you do drop by my profile. I don't think I'm that mean, just blindingly logical and slightly emotionally stunted in certain things. (: