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Lily Live PM
Joined Jun '15

Silly, stupid, devoted Fan of Bones and after watching every episode multiple times, creating a full queue of You Tube videos and reading thousands of words in FanFiction I started dreaming up stories for my favorite couple primarily to fill the void of long weeks/months of no new episodes.

I dream in fluff and romance and sometimes a dash of drama or angst. This is feel good, easily digested and kind to the nerves (generally) I will leave all the other stuff to real writers. I do try to follow the best practice of some of my favorite authors. I write the whole story, and post as I edit. I find if I write with the end already written, I limit going down rabbit holes. If I start thinking in a different direction, that is an idea for a new story.

I write for myself to satisfy my need to place Booth and Brennan in intimate, loving scenes that are too boring for most. Saying that, it is kind to offer a few words of encouragement in the form of a review. Even if you find a story years from now, a few kind words will always be appreciated.

I have no claim to the characters. I am content to know they are in much better hands and owned by Fox and Hart Hanson.

pet peeve: abandoned stories. Please don't do that to the loyal readers who followed you. If I get blocked, too busy, lost interest, I'll take the story down. A last thought, I follow lots of talented writers, but I am B&B all the way. Kill em off and I don't read those stories.

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