Just In
Seto's Darkness PM
My Stories 163
7 the world without order Iwaizumi (was, is, will) (always) be a Knight. (AKA: Iwaizumi Hajime's path to knighthood.) (Final Haikyuu! Quest AU set in canon timeline) (part 3)
Haikyu/ハイキュー, T, English, Romance, words: 7k+, favs: 26, follows: 9, 11/16/2014, [Hajime I., Toru O.]
3 the world without light Oikawa (was, is, will) (always) be a King. (AKA: Oikawa searches for Iwaizumi and becomes the Dark King in the process.) (Final Haikyuu! Quest AU set in canon timeline) (part 2)
Haikyu/ハイキュー, T, English, Angst & Romance, words: 5k+, favs: 27, follows: 8, 11/16/2014, [Hajime I., Toru O.]
3to the world we hate so much Hakuryuu is Judar's favorite punching bag in this facility. Just because Judar beats him up on a daily basis doesn't mean that anybody else has the same right though. Judar will kill anyone else who dares to lift a hand against Hakuryuu. :: JuHaku :: reincarnation AU :: bully!Judar plus Stockholm Syndrome ::
Magi/マギ, M, English, Romance, words: 4k+, favs: 16, follows: 6, 11/16/2014, [Hakuryuu R., Judar]
your throne made of blood Judar swears loyalty to his emperor, to his king, to his choice, to his Hakuryuu. :: JuHaku :: PWP :: set in canon, post chapter 246 ::
Magi/マギ, M, English, Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 26, follows: 5, 11/16/2014, [Judar, Hakuryuu R.]
motivation Judar is getting too addicted to clinging to Hakuryuu. Hakuryuu uses that to motivate Judar to study magic. :: JuHaku :: set in canon, during chapter 245 ::
Magi/マギ, M, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 17, follows: 7, 11/16/2014, [Judar, Hakuryuu R.]
3 bullet to your head Hakuryuu's supposed to be the heir to the world's largest and strongest mafia family, but he ends up losing everything when his mother has plotted to kill off the family heads. Ten years later, he encounters Judar, the bodyguard that was assigned to him all those years ago, who's now the top soldier in Gyokuen's organization. :: Mafia AU :: JuHaku ::
Magi/マギ, M, English, Romance & Crime, words: 4k+, favs: 12, follows: 6, 11/16/2014, [Judar, Hakuryuu R.]
1 my king Judar teases Hakuryuu by kissing his scars. :: JuHaku :: set in canon, manga spoilers ::
Magi/マギ, M, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 13, follows: 5, 11/16/2014, [Judar, Hakuryuu R.]
the one who's most like me Judar struggles to find the one person who will make him complete. :: Judar/Hakuryuu :: set in canon; spoilers up until 245th night ::
Magi/マギ, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 11, follows: 4, 11/16/2014, [Judar, Hakuryuu R.]
15 it seems like you're the only one for me Valentine's Day is approaching. Everybody's surprised to learn that Iwaizumi and Oikawa are, in fact, not actually dating. ("My home is wherever Iwa-chan is " / "Stop plagiarizing from chick flicks, trashykawa." / "How harsh! That line came from my heart!" / / "No wonder it sounded so gross.") (IwaOi, others)
Haikyu/ハイキュー, T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 5k+, favs: 237, follows: 53, 9/28/2014, [Hajime I., Toru O.]
2finality The world is on the brink of destruction. Karasuno might not be the strong empire it was before, but it now has a group promising fighters and allies who wants the world to return to normal. (Final HQ Quest AU with IwaOi, KageHi, DaiSuga, KuroKen, TsukiYama, KuroTsuki, AsaNoya, KiyoYachi, UshiOi, AkaBoku, everyone/everyone)
Haikyu/ハイキュー, M, English, Romance & Adventure, words: 6k+, favs: 8, follows: 2, 9/28/2014
3 magnetize A whole batch of experimental Love-Love Potion gets dumped all over Iwaizumi, which ends up with him attracting a legion of fans. Oikawa is not amused. He's also not jealous – totally not – who would get jealous of Iwa-chan, what are you even talking about? [Iwaizumi/Oikawa, IwaOi AU]
Haikyu/ハイキュー, T, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 83, follows: 18, 9/28/2014, [Toru O., Hajime I.]
2 be still, my cheating haert After all, what could be more romantic than this? Sneaking away after a televised wedding ceremony, leaving the bride inside some hotel and going off to have his honeymoon on a discreet place with his male childhood friend? (Iwaizumi/Oikawa, IwaOi) (AKA: Iwaizumi's married to someone else, but he's still with Oikawa anyway)
Haikyu/ハイキュー, M, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 33, follows: 6, 9/28/2014, [Hajime I., Toru O.]
9 the world without end Iwaizumi and Oikawa (was, is, will) (always) be together. (the life of Iwaizumi and Oikawa at ages 7, 17 and 27) (IwaOi) (part 1)
Haikyu/ハイキュー, T, English, Romance, words: 10k+, favs: 64, follows: 21, 9/28/2014, [Toru O., Hajime I.]
4 a dead man's carnage Year 2998 to 3000. Kamui doesn't really know Takasugi Shinsuke aside from the meager information he bought regarding the man, but Kamui is sure that loitering around prison cells is uncharacteristic of him. :: Takasugi/Kamui, Kamui/Abuto, Deadman AU ::
Gintama, T, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 18, follows: 2, 4/3/2011, Kamui, Takasugi S.
4 A Working Partnership Kamui has no idea how this works, now that he actually thinks about it. He's pretty sure he should start calling him 'Takasugi' or 'Shinsuke', instead of 'Earth Brawler-san'. :: Kamui/Takasugi/Kamui, mangaverse, post 311 ::
Gintama, T, English, Romance, words: 802, favs: 17, 4/3/2011, Kamui, Takasugi S.
18 Infirmary They meet each other in the infirmary way too often for their liking. .: Kanda/Allen, Yullen, HS AU :.
D.Gray-Man, T, English, Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 136, follows: 12, 4/3/2011, Allen Walker, Kanda Yuu
10 One Week Charade Ciel 'meets' the rumored Sebastian who agrees to anyone who wants to date him for a week. .: Sebastian/Ciel :: kouhai!Ciel, senpai!Sebastian, Seven Days-inspired magical school AU :.
Kuroshitsuji, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 59, follows: 15, 4/3/2011, Ciel P., Sebastian M.
5 Cycle He isn't the first demon to be enslaved by a human in exchange for a soul, but he's the first one to serve a young, pitiful child. .: Sebastian/Ciel, anime/manga/AU mix :.
Kuroshitsuji, T, English, Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 42, follows: 6, 4/3/2011, Sebastian M., Ciel P.
216The Revenge Scenario » After learning that the popular singer Sasuke only sees him as a servant and not a boyfriend, Naruto vows revenge. And what better way than to join Sasuke's enemy's agency and surpass Sasuke's fame? .:SasuNaru ItaNaru GaaNeji KakaIru others AU:.
Naruto, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 4, words: 28k+, favs: 306, follows: 441, updated: 4/3/2011 published: 10/19/2008, Sasuke U., Naruto U.
17 with you The world ends. .:Byakuran/Shouichi, 10051 AU:.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, M, English, Drama & Romance, words: 9k+, favs: 60, follows: 9, 1/28/2011, Byakuran, Shōichi I.
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