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Manatheron PM
Joined Oct '04


Where now the good Story?

Where is the original plot flowing, the romance growing, the battle-spell glowing?

Where is the wild wind blowing, the new seed sowing

They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow.

Like birdsong through the trees have they gone down in the West.

Down behind the hills and into shadow, Yet the spark remains.

The final dying embers that rekindle the imagination, the few faint sparks that shall leap again to blaze at the call of the new master.

Again shall foe be met, shall blood be let.

Again shall the battle form, the minions swarm, the power storm.

Again shall the Child be called, the evil stalled, the readers enthralled

For all is not yet lost.

~Base Poem Tolken, Twisted to fit Fanfics by Belerdorhan, Modified and expanded by Manatheron 6/25/2007 ~

Naruto Fiction:

Reload By: Case13

Fuzzy Logic By: Deritine

Fuinjutsu By: Eleature

What it Takes By Iced Blood

FoxHunt and Love Potion9 By Dave-D

Harry Potter Fiction:

Altered Destinies and it's Sequel By: DobbyElfLord

Wastelands of Time By: Joe6991

The Lie I've Lived and Bungle in the Jungle Both By JBern

A Second Chance at life and it's Sequels By: Miranda Flairgold

Make a Wish By: Roschach's Blot

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