My Stories 6
54Navy »
Ciel Soleil prides herself on following orders and in fulfilling her superior's wishes to the letter. So when Ironwood expresses his desires for Penny to win the Vital Tournament, she throws herself headfirst into the task. However, when this mission leads to her accepting a date invitation by a certain blond, it spirals into far more than she, or anyone expected.
RWBY, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 3, words: 33k+, favs: 259, follows: 334, updated: 9/11/2018 published: 5/19/2018, Jaune A., Ciel S.
32Long Live the King »
Civil unrest. Kingdoms at the brink of all-out war. Monsters manifested from fear itself. The rulers of each Kingdom are expected to keep order, even bring about prosperity. The stress is enough to break even a strong willed man. Sadly, it would seem Remnant slows for no-one. Not even Jaune Arc, the 17-year-old Prince of the Vale Kingdom.
RWBY, M, English, Drama & Humor, chapters: 8, words: 76k+, favs: 175, follows: 216, updated: 7/16/2018 published: 1/1/2017, Weiss S., Ozpin, Jaune A., Nora V.
82The Song of Silence »
Jaune Arc was a man made of self-sacrifice. Even after his protecting nature cost Jaune the ability to hear, his dream of being the strong Hunter from the stories wouldn't end. Neo was a woman made of self-serving. Despite being a criminal for hire, her loyalties only consisted of Numero Uno. Jaune would learn to be a little sour and Neo would learn the ways of sweet. On Hiatus.
RWBY, T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 8, words: 78k+, favs: 593, follows: 785, updated: 2/21/2018 published: 11/12/2016, [Jaune A., Neo] Team RWBY, Team JNPR
The Shadows of Beacon's Finest
The price for attending Beacon was often more than just a tuition fee. More often than Ozpin would like to admit, many a young and aspiring trainee had perished under his watch. However, while the student may be gone, a part of them remains. Call it a side effect of possessing an unlocked aura. The shadows that walk the campus have never been a problem... that is until the Fall.
RWBY, T, English, Horror & Suspense, words: 10k+, favs: 14, follows: 14, 10/31/2017
285Darkest Day »
When a Buster Call goes to the wrong island, Luffy's life is changed forever along with the One Piece world. Now nine years after Dawn Islands destruction, a vengeful Straw Hat will make his appearance on the World Scene. There are no happy beginnings in the East Blue, but maybe this beaten down group of misfits can come together and make a crew of dreams. New fruit
One Piece, M, English, Adventure & Angst, chapters: 12, words: 59k+, favs: 588, follows: 594, updated: 10/30/2016 published: 3/17/2016
383A Twisted Strawhat »
This story follows a Luffy that was severely abused at a young age and is mentally scared. The Strawhat Captain will be less forgiving to his enemies and won't take prisoners. Stronger crew members and new crew members alike will form the most fearsome band of pirates in history. Luffy isn't OP but he's pretty damn close. Stronger Luffy!/ Genius Luffy!/ Swordsman Luffy! LuffyxRobin
One Piece, M, English, Adventure & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 19, words: 78k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 7/14/2016 published: 9/12/2015, Luffy, Strawhat Pirates