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Kree-on-toast PM
Joined Nov '04

Well hello there, I'm Kree

Name: Kareether
Nickname(s): Kree
Age: 24
Birthday: Feb
Birthplace: Whangarei in New Zealand
Current Location: Katikati also in New zealand
Eye Color: they change from a very intense blue to almost a stormy blue black
Hair Color: hmmm i guess its very auburn around now...

Height: 160cms
Weight: hahahaha... im not a stick person
Lefty or Righty: both
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

What Do You Drive: Um... a piece of S*t Ford Taurus LOL
Screenname: on wlm/msn it's : Kree On Toast -The Burn, Oh the Burn! How your honeyed words burn me to my very core. I gave up my heart, my conscience, my soul. FOR YOU. My Master, the keeper of my Sanity. Yet you never loved me only tortured me with false prophesies of forever! Yet I cannot deny you, cannot resist your sirenous calls. Free me from my hell, yes. But never leave me. I cannot live without your tainted perfection.

--Do You--

Have any siblings: an older brother and younger sister
Have any pets: lol Goldfish and 2 cats :P

Have a job: im a stay at home mum
Have a cellphone: funny that
Have any special talents or skills: hahaha, u dont need to know these ;)
Have any fears: flying, boats, the ocean, and one of my babies dying
Have a bedtime: nope
Sing in the shower: always
Want to go to college: i never got the chance

Get along with your parents: sometimes

Have any piercings: my tongue
Have any tattoos:
a teensy weensy heart on my right breast
Swear: i do frequently
Drink: not often
Do Drugs: def not

--Love & All That Crap--

Ever been in love: i am so in love
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: when i was young and stupid
Are you single: no
Are you in a relationship: hell yes the forever kind
Do you have a crush on someone: well funnily enough i still crush on my partner lol im soppy i know
Ever been dumped: once... it sucked he tore my world apart
Ever dumped someone: hell yes

--This or That--

Fruit or Vegetable: fruit
Black or White: Black
Lights On or Lights Off:
LOL off more privacy in case anyone walks in :P
TV or Movie: movie
Car or Truck: cars
Cash or Check: Cash

Rock or Rap: rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

French Toast or French Fries: French toast
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Cookies or Muffins:
Winter Break or Spring Break:
winter of course
Hugs or Kisses: both im greedy

--Have You Ever--

Danced in a public place: cough

Smiled for no reason: yes i have
Laughed so hard you cried: yesh
Talked to someone you don't know: hahahaha its what im known for
Drank alcohol: yehuh
Done drugs: nup
Partied 'til the sun came up: many many times
Gotten a ticket: nup
Been arrested: lmao... indecent exposure guilty
Been convicted of a crime: nope
Been a wreck: hell yes :(
Been out of the country: never

--Random & Silly Junk--

Are you a virgin: i will say yes my children were immaculate conception
Ever TP'd someone's house: hmmm... yesh
Ever egged someone's house: at the same time :P

How many languages do you speak: english kiwi, very little german, teensy bit of swedish and spanish
Who do you compare yourself to: a rock... a very pained rock
Ever regret anything: being so naive when i was younger
Do you like being tickled: depends whos tickling me

What are your goals: to live long LMAO
Are your fingers tired: nope
Are you tired of this survey: lol
Are you happy: sure

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