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LectorHistoria PM
Joined Sep '15

Do you know what the biggest Deux Machina in the HP fanfic verse is? It's not the Death Stick/Hallows it's not the Time Travel...


The Weasley love potion... I mean.. nobody else thinks or suspects it at all till the protagonist finds about that...

But, as with thousands of other readers. I'm an armchair critic.. but keep it to myself as I know it is difficult to get a story flowing. Yeah, I tried, 2 chapters posted! No update for a year!! Took the story down. I just shut up and put up..

Nothing worthwhile I can say about myself.. so will leave that out..

Harry Potter, Inheritance Cycle

Crossovers - HP X - Inheritance Cycle, Percy Jackson, Starwars, Star Gate, X Men, Avengers

So yeah, Harry Potter all the way. Love the great world JKR has built, the characters and storyline from OOTP onward.. err.. well... YEEAAAAH.. let's leave it at that...

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