Just In
Argentum Anubis PM
Joined Oct '15

Hello, my faithful reader XD

And hola mishamigos! (cheers to you if you understand that reference)

I write to please, so if you have a comment about any of my fanfictions, feel free to review and tell me what you think. Reviews give me motivation and help me write better.

Also, my profile picture is by Yuumei. It is a character named Frey from one of her graphic novel series called "Fisheye Placebo." All rights for the picture go to her and her awesome art and graphic novels.

(I'd also like to note that none of the pictures I use are mine. All credit goes to the rightful artists.)

I am a strong believer of equality. I abhor discrimination against any race, sex, gender, sexuality, religion, belief, etc. I believe in a person being who they are, loving the one they love, holding the beliefs they treasure, and living their life in the way that they desire.

Because I believe these things, if I notice any comments, reviews, etc. that I find to be derogatory against any of the aforementioned things, I will act on it immediately. If you post a derogatory comment, I shall immediately delete it and report it as abuse. This is your one and only warning.

Important notes*

o If you notice at any point that one of my fanfictions do not contain proper disclaimers and you feel that they do not give proper credit to the author(s), artist(s), actor(s)/actress(es), or creator(s), contact me and I will fix it ASAP.

o If you feel that the rating on any of my fanfictions is not high enough, please contact me immediately and I will fix it ASAP.

o If you notice that I have neglected to make note of a spoiler (something that might tell what happened and give it away to someone who has not yet reached that point in whatever movie, TV show, book, comic, etc.), contact me and I will fix it ASAP.

o If I misspell something in a story, my grammar is incorrect, or there are similar mistakes, please let me know. I will not be offended, and I will do my best to fix any mistakes. I do revise my work before posting, but there are mistakes that still slip past.

o Communication is a big deal. Outside of mistakes, if you like a story of mine and would like to see more, let me know! Reviews and positive comments make any writer feel good and they fuel my writing fire.

o If you have read any of my stories and you would like to see a continuation of it (even if it is a one-shot), contact me and I will see about writing more.

o If you would like to translate one of my stories to a different language, please message me first and ask for permission. All I ask if you want to translate my stories is that you mention that I am the creator and that you try to keep the story somewhat the same (I know things can change in translation, so I understand that it will not be exactly the same).

More about me

Name: Argentum Anubis (you may also call me “Argentum,” “Anubis,” “Argent,” or “AA.”)

Favorite books: “All the Bright Places” by Jennifer Niven; Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan; “Harry Potter” by J. K. Rowling; Maximum Ride (though the movie was a huge let-down) by James Patterson; “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” by Tolkien; I.Q series, The Lab series by Jack Heath; "Sherlock Holmes" series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, etc. (listing everything would take centuries and by then I would have more favorites).

Favorite Manga/Animes: Naruto, No.6, Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul, Inu-Yasha, Death Note, Noragami, Full Metal Alchemist, Blue Exorcist, Gargantia on the Verdurous planet, Seraph of the end, Aldnoah. Zero, Shounen Onmyouji, etc.

Favorite TV shows: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Broadchurch, Criminal Minds, The Finder, Agents of SHIELD, Life, Gotham, Limitless, Scorpion, Sherlock, Daredevil, etc.

Favorite movie: "Love, Simon" (I love the book, too). I also like the first Marvel Avengers movie and James Bond Skyfall

Favorite bands/singers: AC/DC, Fall out Boy, Panic at the disco, My chemical romance, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Set it off, Melanie Martinez, Bon Jovi, Rolling Stones, Shinedown, and more.

Favorite superhero: Hawkeye (AKA Clint Barton). Yes, I count him as a superhero. He has extreme courage, amazing archery skills, and doesn’t have to rely on powers to save people. He has had a hard life and despite that, he continued on. That in itself is a superpower in my mind. (I also like Daredevil, though)

Favorite Characters: Castiel (Supernatural); Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson series); Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto); Q (Skyfall); Rat (No.6); Uta (Tokyo Ghoul); Legolas (Lord of the Rings); Phil Coulson (Agents of SHIELD); Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds); L (Death Note); Kyntak (from The Lab series); Theodore Finch (from All the Bright Places); James Bond; Alec Hardy (from Broadchurch); Doctor Who (Yeah! Go tenth Doctor!!!!!!! Allons-y!); Barry Allen (AKA The Flash); Arsenal/Roy Harper (from Arrow); Merlin (from Merlin), etc.

Questions for AA

Q: Why do you write fanfiction?

A: I easily become obsessed with stuff, so it is a healthy and creative way to express that obsess, relax, and entertain others. Plus, I love writing and fanfiction is a great way to practice.

Q: Are you going anywhere with your writing ability?

A: Yes. One day, I will begin to publish my own original works. When that happens, I’ll probably stop writing fanfiction or at least slow down.

Q: Do you have a posting schedule?

A: No. I kind of just post whenever I have the chance.

Q: If you could be any character, who would it be?

A: I have a habit of loving characters that get sent through Hell (sometimes literally), so I wouldn’t want any of their lives. I’ll respect and adore them from afar. (But if I had to ignore this and choose, I would want to be Castiel from Supernatural).

Q: What character do you relate to most and why?

A: I would have to say Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. Even though I am nowhere near as smart as he is, I can understand him easily. He is awkward, finds it hard to talk to people or make friends. He has skills that few can understand and few understand his passions. In one episode, he said “People tell their secrets. I think it’s because they know I have no one to betray them to.” This is also true for me and I believe that that is why people confide in me. In addition, we both love books and coffee, and no one understands our interests.

Q: Have you ever cosplayed?

A: Yes. I once cosplayed Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto for a thing at one of my schools. I loved acting like an idiot and others seemed to find me funny, so it works XD

A: For those of you considering doing a cosplay, I highly recommend it. It is a good way to get out of one’s shell and just live life for a little while. Don’t be afraid how you look or how silly you sound. Who cares? As long as you enjoy it, that is all that matters.

Q: Do you make fanart?

A: No. I don’t have that sort of skill. And whatever I do make, I would never make public; my drawing skills are too bad. (Praise to those of you who do)

Q: Am I able to draw fanart for your stories?

A: Absolutely. Just message me to let me know that you have or plan to do so. I'd love to see your work. (Also, please give me credit for my story.)

Q: Can I translate your story/stories to a different language?

A: Absolutely! Just message me and ask for permission first. As long as you mention I am the creator, everything's fine. (Also, it'd be cool if you sent me a link. XD)

Q: Do you include spoiler alerts?

A: Absolutely. If I even have a slight spoiler in one of my stories, you will be informed either in the summary, or at the disclaimers at the beginning of the chapter that will include those spoilers. I like keeping my readers well-informed; nobody likes spoilers.

Q: If I send you a review or PM (Private Message), will you reply?

A: Absolutely! If you take the time to review/PM, I will take the time to reply. I love sending and receiving messages; it makes my day. Also, reviews help me make my writing better, so that I can write better stories for my readers. (And it doesn’t hurt that they give me motivation, as well.)

Q: Do you take requests?

A: Not right now, but I might in the future.

Q: Will you read my story?

A: If you want me to read a story of yours, just send me your penname and the title of your story and I will read it and send you a review.

Q: What episode of what show has made you most want to cry?

A: It's a toss up between "No rest for the Wicked" (Supernatural) and "Doomsday" (Doctor Who). Or 4X2 of Merlin.

Q: Do you have any suggestions for fanfiction to read?

A: I just finished "Crashing" by RedQ (A "The Flash" fanfiction). It is very good and very sad. Also, I am almost at the end of "Down Came the Rain" by PippinStrange (an Avengers/Spider-Man story) and am enjoying it very much. Feel free to contact me and ask for suggestions. You can also look at my favorited stories and authors to find other stories I have enjoyed/am enjoying.

Favorite Character Quotes (not in any particular order)

1. “My “people skills” are “rusty.””- Castiel (Supernatural, Season 6 Episode 3).

2. “Should I get the extinguisher? ‘Cause your pants are on fire, liar, liar.”- Toby Curtis (Scorpion).

3. “This is calm and it’s doctor”- Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds, Season 7 Episode 1).

4. “Ever been to Tahiti? It’s a magical place”- Phil Coulson (Agents of SHIELD, Season 1 Episode 1).

5. “There’s no such thing as a painless lesson. They just don’t exist.”- Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist).

6. “Good morning Vietnam!”- Lucifer (Supernatural).

7. “Penelope’s house of how ‘may I save your ass your ass today?’”- Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds).

8. “Wait there’s no such thing as unicorns?”- Sam Winchester (Supernatural).

9. “The city is flying, we’re fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrows. None of this makes sense.”- Hawkeye (Age of Ultron).

10. “Hey, Assbutt!”- Castiel (Supernatural, Season 5 Episode 22).

11. “Today sucks. I’m goin’ back to bed”- Clint Barton (From the Hawkeye comic by Matt Fraction).

12. "So much for my promising career in espionage."- Q (Skyfall).

13. “I will taze you and watch ‘Supernanny’ while you drool into the carpet”- Phil Coulson.

14. “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition”- Castiel (Supernatural, Season 4 Episode 1).

15. Now I lay me down to sleep I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here”- Dean Winchester (Supernatural).

16. “I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pajamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field.”- Q (Skyfall).

17. “I hate a lot of things. I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality”- Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto).

18. “Do you think there’s such a thing as a perfect day? […] Start to finish. When nothing terrible or sad or ordinary happens. Do you think it’s possible? […] I’ve never had one either, but I’m looking for it.”- Theodore Finch (All the Bright Places).

~My stories~

Fullmetal Alchemist

“One Christmas Eve”

Death Note



“Kill, Breathe, Repeat”


“You Never Give Up on Me”

“Best Gift Ever”

“A Team 7 New Year”

“I’m Glad You Stayed”

Tokyo Ghoul

“What am I?”

“Where no one can hear you screaming”

Criminal Minds

“The Ones I Left Behind”

“Written episode: 100”

“Spencer Reid’s infamous sock collection”

"Exhaustion is Contagious"


“Let me care for you”

“Dude, it’s just a song”

“Grab me a Beer”

"Not Gone"

"When have I ever forgotten the pie?"

"Ghost Hosts"

"Car time with Cass"


"Late Night Fright"

"Satan is the Co-Pilot"

"The Wheels on the Bus"

"Packed with nowhere to go"

"The Parting in Purgatory"

"Nothing to do"


"Where do I go from Here?"


"The reason Hardy doesn't drink coffee..."


"New Shoes"

"I haven't the Foggiest"


"Center of the Universe"


o "Kill Breathe, Repeat"- Death Note story (multi-chapter). I have been working on it, so don't worry; I haven't given up on it. I am having difficulties with ideas, direction, and revisions. Within the next few months I will post a new chapter. Sorry for the slow progression and late update. NEW: Revision in progress! Thank you for your patience.

o Doubt- Supernatural story (multi-chapter). The Notes and the first chapter are up. I am unsure when the second chapter will be ready. I have not completed it yet.

o Titles of stories to come/be updated: "Doubt" (Supernatural) (Update. Multi-chapter); "Kill, Breathe, Repeat" chapter 10 (Death Note) (update!); "Happy Accidents" (Supernatural) (New! Multi-chapter); "Age is not of Import" (Skyfall/James Bond) (New! One-shot or Two-shot); "I Have a Code" (James Bond) (New! One-shot); "A Quartermaster's Life in Sound" (James Bond) (New! One-shot) (Currently being revised. Is almost ready to be put up); "This is the End" (James Bond) (New! One-shot!); "Such as the Life of a Spy" (James Bond) (New! One-shot or two-shot); "Comfort in the Storm" (James Bond) (New!); "Dead Canaries Don't Sing" (James Bond) (New! Multi-chapter); "Hug it out" (Broadchurch) (New! One-shot); "Smile" (Broadchurch) (New! One-shot); "Three Words I Never Got to Say" (Doctor Who) (New! One-shot); "PHD" (Doctor Who) (New! One- or Two-Shot); "The Magic Word" (Merlin) (New! One-shot); and more.

o In terms of unnamed stories to come, I have multiple. Most of them are for Supernatural, Doctor Who, Avengers, James Bond movies, Broadchurch, Sherlock, and Daredevil.

o Hello! Update as of 11/26/17: I have two named and completed stories that I will be posting soon. Two are Star Trek (reboot series) fanfiction and the other is a Supernatural story. In addition, I have a somewhat long Daredevil one-shot and several in-progress Star Trek stories.

o As of 4/10/18, I have at least 6 stories completed that I am in the process of revising (1 is for Merlin, 2 are for Supernatural, 1 is for Death Note, 1 is from Star Trek, and 1 is Daredevil). I have about 8 stories that I am also working on that are in-progress (2 are Supernatural, 1 is Star Trek, 2 are Broadchurch, 2 are Daredevil, and 1 is Death Note). These are not all, but these are just the ones that I've made enough progress in worthy of noting.

o I'm considering of doing a continuation of "Good Deeds for the Ill" (Merlin). I've already had one request. If you, too, would like another story for this, let me know and it will raise the chances of another story. Thanks!

o I have a multi-chapter story that I am working on. It is called "Faster than a Bullet." I am in the middle of revising the first 11 chapters and will begin posting them as soon as I've decided the exact that this story will be going.

o UPDATE: I have decided to begin posting chapters of "Faster than a Bullet." I have not yet finished it, and I don't have an update schedule yet. Things are slow for me right now, but they are going to get crazy very soon, so I refuse to make a promise I might have to break.

Important: I have recently received bad news and I will not be able to do fanfiction as much. Meaning, I will come and go a lot. Sometimes, I will suddenly update a lot, and then I will disappear again. I am sorry, but this is not something I have control over. Thank you for your patience. (5/14/18)

And that is it, friends.


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