Just In
MidoriApple606 PM
Joined Dec '04


Colors: Orange, Green, and Yellow (why did I tell you that...?)

Anime: Naruto, Fruits Basket, and Fullmetal Alchemist, D.N.Angel (and some others, but those are my favorites!)

Anime IJBs (Imaginary Japanese Boyfriends!): Sasuke (Naruto), Shikamaru (Naruto), Kyo (Fruits Basket), and Ed (Fullmetal Alchemist) (as well as a ton of runner ups! /sweatdrop/)

Books: The Mediator Series, The Prophet of Yonwood/ The City of Ember/ The People of Sparks (I don't read much... besides manga...)

Movie: The Chronicals of Narnia

Manga: KageTora, Full Moon wo Sagashite (ohmygosh I totally 3 that series!!!), Instant Teen Just Add Nuts, To Heart, Pita-Ten, Guardian Angel Getten, Fushigi Yugi, Someday's Dreamers, and Wish (Note that they're all romance... /sweatdrop/)

Regular Old Television Shows (Hard to believe I watch any, isn't it?)- NCIS, King of Queens, and My Name is Earl



ShikamaruXIno (Why am I so obsessed with that pairing?), NarutoXHinata, SasukeXOC (Namingly my fancharacter Hotaru...), LeeXSakura (Even though Lee's too good for her.), NejiXTenten (That one might change), KibaXHinata. And the pairing I b absolutely cannot stand: /b ShikamaruXTemari (Blarg I HATE that pairing. As well as Temari.) OH YA and I don't like yaoi/yuri/incest either. yuck.

Fullmetal Alchemist:

EdXWinry, MustangXHawkeye

Fruits Basket:

TohruXKyo, KaguraXYuki

(I'm gonna add more pairings... some time... /sweatdrop/ )

Rock Lee's eyebrows ate China, so now they're communist eyebrows. That's to bad. They were cool eyebrows before they were communist eyebrows. (Just one of my many strange random... theory... things...)

And here is my Quizilla homepage:

/users/MidoriApple606/ (It's kinda messy. I'm gonna fix it soon.)

Also, I'm not really into Neopets and Poke'mon any more, so if I took your story off of my favorites list know that its nothing against you or the story.

ANYWAY I'll add more later, K? Bye!

~MidoriApple606 (Midori=Green, so GreenApple606. Which is suprising cause I don't like sour stuff...)

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