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jingerr PM
Joined Nov '15

Hey there! I'm sure no one will read this but... i want to share some of my favorites! I love SI/OC and OC books the most. Here are my favs in no particular order enjoy!
PS: any books that haven't been updated for 1 year as of 7-30-2022 is consider to me as hiatus ans any other with the * is a must read!

FanFiction Writers i'll read anything they write!
Miss. E. Thompson
Alexandria Biast
Princess Alexandria

Dreaming of sunshine By Silver queen (hiatus)*
Systematic Shinobi By 0 jordinio 0 (inprogress)
Walking on thin ice By Banix (inprogress)*
Doing the work By Marbleglove (completed)*
Déjà vu no jutsu by Vixen tail (completed)*
The iron of kumo By Nclose9 (hiatus)
War dog (1) By Kaiimei (completed)
Thread plague By Waki paki (completed)*
Canon patchworking with uchiha ren (inprogress)
Yami: the gamer kage By I'mjusttryingtofindmyway (completed)*
Accidental gamer hero By Knowing hero (hiatus)
108 earthly temptations By Vixen tail (completed)*
Fortitude By Rose.chan27 (hiatus)
Dragonfly By Peccolia (completed)
Cleaning no jutsu By Erisah mae (completed)*
Miko By Garden galaxy (completed)*
Bee's purple By Yuuki no yuki (hiatus)*
Let's fix this By Plantformnineandthreequarters (completed)*
Her name is ino By Ninetywochaironetable (completed)*
An altered fate: two queens By Gelasia kidd (hiatus)*
Red and purple By Banix (completed)
Baby and me and kakashi By Angiewhite (completed)

The order of things By Tails42 (inprogress)*
The laughing slytherin By Phaedrazev (inprogress)*
Logical Sister By Ravenclawfan09 (inprogress)*
Stanger in a strange world By Theskyatdawn2 (inprogress)
Fuck life By Wakathottie (inprogress)
Another choice (end) By Chachingmel123 (completed)*
Eccentric wizard By Nimthewriter (inprogress)
The ambitions of rebekah potter By Alexandria biast (inprogress)*
Green eyed monster By Sphinxs-legend (completed)
I'm not a sociopath By Kykyukai (completed)*
Magical creatures will get me killed (again) By Anubis enfied (completed)*
Travels though the universe By Shemarauder (completed)*
Officially lost in the universe By Shemarauder (completed)*
The journey to words By Istillwishiwasaweasley (completed)*
Courage to words By Istillwishiwasaweasley (completed)*
Order from words By Istillwishiwasaweasley (completed)*
Flying By Trynathink (completed)
Reincarnation at its finest By Shemarauder (completed)
When stars collide By Mavynn (completed)*
Fish hooks in the corners of their mouths By Deletrear (complete)
The unfortunate tale of guinevere weasley By Dreaming-of-fireflies (hiatus)*
New life By Shemarauder (hiatus)
Dudley the lad By Fireskullkills (inprogress)*
Changing fates: the potterverse By Ladyalexandranoir (completed)*
Victoria weasley By Thehelpinghand (hiatus)
The housekeeper ByYeghishe (completed)*
Voldemort and anastasia grindelwald By Felicia2235 (completed)*
The potter's seer By Spellmugwump97 (completed)*
New reality By Mylesgirl16 (completed)*
Harry potter and the cganged fates By Ladyalexandranoir (hiatus)*
To be a slytherin By Morgana deryn (completed)*

Underneath the willow tree By K.a.mcclure (completed)
Pulling pigtails By Pinklight2004 (inprogress)
Lost and found By Miss. e. thompson (completed)*
Pieces of the puzzle By Miss. e. thompson (completed)*
Twin personality By Inuppy1596 (completed)
Swans don't quit By Miss. e. thompson (completeted)*
Accidentally i twilight By Nicky read (completed)*
The snow-wolf By faithy waithy (completed)*
Tossing stones By Princess Alexandria (completed)*
Tossing stones 2 -in the sea By Princess alexandria (hiatus)*
Haunting the cullens By Fakin'it (completed)*
Meeting the human edward cullen By Nicky read (completed)*
A hindred winks of sunshine By Tsume yuki (hiatus)*
The color spectrum By Blueberry and blacktooth (hiatus)
Walk away By Stardancer10 (completed)*
I will never let you go By Zika writer (completed)*
Board game By Cupcakexo (compleated)*
What a twisted happy ending By Jelly-bean-jr (completed)*
Half a heart By Jelly-bean-jr (hiatus)*
Dearest cousin By Xstrawberry-jam (inprogress)*
Changing fates: live free or twihard By Ladyalexandranoir (hiatus)
Gypsy soul By Method-2-my-madness (hiatus)
Baby boy By Addicted-to-the-fic (completed)*
Twilight twins By That one angry hobbit (completed)
Toni swan: the gamers chance By Karma jackson 2002 (inprogress)*
Adrift- floatation device By Princess alexandria (completed)*

To be king By Visciousrose (completed)*
Broken like me By Ladyalexandranoir (hiatus)*
Homebound By Kolmikaelsonhoe (completed)
Ghost of a lifetimes past By Chanaenae17 (inprogress)*
Stardust By Lady.alexandra (inprogress)*
Paper rings (you're the one i want) By Ladyalexandranoir (inprogress)*
She who knows By Rrenvy (completed)*

A gamer in the south blue By Lordvishnu (inprogress)*
The whitebeard wolfpack By Redhairedoctavia (completed)*
The prophecy of the wolf pack By Redhairedoctavia (hhiatus)
Free heart By Duaba (hiatus)
Not quite black By Notyourdamsel (inprogress)

His armored heart By Housesbabe1 (inprogress)*
Deserving BySilverlinedapathy (completed)*
Time By BySilverlinedapathy (inprogress)*
Stormbreaker By Ladyalexandranoir (completed)*
Sekhmet and the little red fox By Quirky21 (inprogress)*
The spider By I'mjusttryingtofindmyway (hiatus)
The guardian avenger By Lesliezin (histus)*
A twelve step program to omnipotence By Bakkughan (completed)
Odjection By Anubis enfield (completed)
Who is alice shaw? By Aria2302 (completed)*
Reaching in the dark By Aria2302 (completed)*
Salem stark By Alexandris biast (inprogress)
Cf: iron dads and other ailments By Ladyalexandranoir (hiatus)*
Eirflower By Lady.alexandra (hiatus)*
Changing fates: the first immortal By Ladyalexandranoir (hiatus)*
The trouble makers club By Chaotiaparadise (completed)*
The trouble makers club: a new insanity (hiatus)*
Silend love By The ice goddess (completed)*
Full paragon all the way By Bakkughan (hiatus)*
Angel of death By Unknownwriter20 (completed)
Stairway to valhalla By Ladyalexandranoir (hiatus)*
Jenny billionaire dog By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Johanna stark living life once more By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Shade the goat By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Ghost of stark tower By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
lion the cat By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Storn the hen By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Granny faith By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Billionaire cockatoo By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Threatening spies and super soldiers while being a good gotfather By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Tony stark billionaire cleaner and questionable life choices By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Iron family By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
My godmother lives in a cave By Ms. dragon reader (completed)*
Calico kitty By Cloudluvsme13 (completed)
Calico kiten By Cloudluvsme13 (completed)
Avengers child By Charlotteredmond99 (completed)*
The avengers guardian angle By Hero-100 (hiatus)*

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