WARNING! This profile is extremely long. If you don't want to see it, there is a handy little link above and to the right that says "hide bio."
Hey people! I'm not so new to this kind of thing anymore, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me if I still make mistakes (which is bound to happen), or if I take a while to update. And if I forget to say it in my stories, I don't own any of the characters you recognize, and that probably holds true for some that you don't recognize as well!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you don't like my stories, please say so, but also please try to say why. And if you do like them, again, please do your best to say why. In any case, PLEASE REVIEW! I'm begging you on bended knee! (But not if it's only to say "it sucked." If you don't tell me why it sucked, I won't be able to get better!)
AN IMPORTANT NOTE FOR TEEN TITANS FANS-if you didn't like the ending of last season, and want to see the show continued, there's a petition you can sign. http:///petitions/www.petitionspot.comteentitans
BEFORE YOU CONTINUE The following is a link to a nation simulation game. In this game, you choose your currency, population ehtnicity, government type, national religion (or no religion). You can build up your military to ward off attacks, make trades to further benefit your nation, and join alliances for friends and protection. Without further ado, I give you...!
I've noticed a lot of different abbreviations and terms used throughout the site. I'll list the ones I know here just in case you don't know them, sort of a guide, if you will. WARNING. Undoubtedly this list is not complete. I doubt it ever will be. However, it's the closest thing any of us have to a guidebook on fanfiction abreviations, as far as I know. Also, I am well aware that most of you could probably figure most of these out on your own, but being intelligent and good at writing does not always go hand in hand with common sense. Plus, everybody has a brain freeze or two at some point in his or her life!
1.Abreviations of names:
Harry Potter;
HP-Harry Potter
HG-Hermione Granger
RW-Ronald Weasley
GW-Ginny Weasley
RL-Remus Lupin
NT-Nymphadora Tonks
AD-Albus Dumbledore
MM-Minerva McGonagal
DM-Draco Malfoy
LM-Lucious Malfoy
SS-Severus Snape
NL-Neville Longbottom
LL-Luna Lovegood
FD-Fleur Delacour
SB-Sirius Black
AM-Alastor Moody
RH-Rubeus Hagrid
TR-Tom Riddle
BP-Bobby Pendragon
CC-Courtney Chetwynde (forgive me if it's spelled wrong, it's been several months since I read The Pilgrims of Rayne)
MD-Mark Diamond (another "forgive me if it's spelled wrong" kind of thing)
VS-Vo Spader
L-Loor (hey, if she ever reveals another name, I'll put it here, OK?)
AK-Aja Killian
Teen Titans;
Rob-Robin (man, that's obvious, isn't it?)
BB-Beast Boy
Cy-Cyborg (and this one too!)
KF-Kid Flash
Artemis Fowl;
AF-Artemis Fowl
HS-Holly Short
2.Other Abrieviations+Terms
A/N-Author's Notes. AKA, (Also Known As) general comments and/or explainations the author wishes to make.
AU-Alternate Universe. This is a "what if," (then again, that is what all fiction is, right?) meaning the author has gone back and changed something in the timeline. For example, MaxFic has aked "What if Harry followed Sirius into the veil in the Department of Mysteries?" in his story, Harry Potter and the Otherside, and Hannibal ad Portas has said "what if Sirius had broken out of Azkaban eight years early?" in his story, Stockholm Syndrome.
Beta-a reader who goes over another author's work, correcting spelling and grammatical errors and/or making suggestions on how to improve the quality of writing.
Cliffie-Cliffhanger. The author has left off the chapter at a moment of high tension, leaving you to wonder what happens next. It keeps people from stopping their reading in the middle of the story. (Personally, I think it was a group of mad scientists who invented it to control the minds of all readers evrywhere. ;))
, the name of this site.
Gary Stu-A male OC who is highly similar, if not identical, to the author of the story in which they appear, and are possibly the author themself. They are often given extraordinary powers. (I am unsure on this definition)
Mary Sue-a female Gary Stu
OC-Other Character. This is a character whom the author has made up.
One-shot-This means the author does not plan on updating the fanfic this applies to. They intend to leave it as a one-chapter story. If they do continue it, it's likely to be with another one-shot (unless of course they change their minds).
OOC-Out of Character. This means the said character is not acting the way the actual creator would make him or her act.
POV-Point of View (from whose eyes are we seeing the story, if not the "narrator's?")
R&R-Read and Review. Authors that say this will really appreciate it if you take the time to write a review for their story, even if it's just to say whether you liked it or not.
ship-relationship, referring to a romantic pairing.
shipper-a supporter of a particular ship, i.e. a Ron/Hermione shipper
Slash/femslash-Homosexual Content
If I see or remember any more that I've figured out, I'll add them as soon as I can! If anyone sees one they're unsure of, just consult this guide, or, if it isn't on here, you can ask me by e-mail (my address is listed above) or private messaging. On the off chance I don't know it, the author of the fanfic most certainly will! (If you do ask me, specific information, like what context was it used in, who used it, and the name of the story it was used in would be most helpful.)
Now I suppose I should tell you a little about my likes and dislikes.
Romantic Pairings:
I do not like homosexual pairings. Don't get me wrong, I know being homosexual does not make a person evil, but the characters were not created that way, and I don't think the authors (or script writers, in the case of "Teen Titans") ever will make their respective characters that way. (I do have a couple of exceptions to this. First is a "Static Shock" fanfic, The Moral of the Story because it provides a lot of interesting quotes on religion. It is written by RedTale, if you want to check it out. The second case is when the canon character is already homosexual, like in Mercedes Lackey's The Last Herald-Mage trilogy, and later in her Mage Winds and Mage Storms trilogies.)
Above all, I loathe incestual pairings. That is just plain WRONG! I have yet to encounter any, but I am told they do exist (eww!!).
I suppose I wouldn't mind anyone being paired with another character, as long as the pairings I like are given a good chance somewhere along the line!
Harry Potter
I absolutely abhor student/teacher pairings, unless both partners are of age by the time they act on it! (One of the few exceptions I'll make to that is if Harry comes back as a professor and falls in love with Ginny! Another is Tonks becoming a teacher and falling for Harry.)
And what's up with Slytherins being paired with Gryffindors? Totally impossible! Especially Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger! He hates the guts of anyone who has "dirty blood!" But I guess I do have to admit he's not evil, after reading the sixth and seventh books, and not begrudge those who support that ship.
Also, I have to admit I am wary of Harry/Hermione pairings, though if the story is really good, I'll read it. If they are paired up, where does that leave their friends? And it could possibly break up the golden trio due to jealosy!
Now, the following are pairings I like and would support wholeheartedly!
Harry/Ginny-Yay! The author agrees with me there!
Harry/Tonks-Although she's physically older than him, he's probably seen a lot stuff she hasn't. You can honestly say he didn't have a true childhood. And besides, who wouldn't want a significant other who could change their appearance at will? (Winks at reader)
Ron/Hermione-Yay! Another one the author has confirmed! These two deserve to be given a chance before they become involved with anyone else. It's obvious they have a mutual attraction, especially after the sixth and seventh books.
Neville/Luna-Though I've heard that the author has said they will never get together, you still have to admit they make a nice couple.
Harry/Luna-This may be a little more unrealistic, but still, it isn't impossible. It certainly is more likely than a Slytherin being paired with a Gryffindor!
Dumbledore/McGonagal-Not possible after the events in the sixth book, but if things had gone differently, you never know. AU's would provide plenty of opportunity here. And who said they have to be in Harry's time, or even Voldemort's first rise? I just don't see many of these. A shame, really.
Lupin/Tonks-Yet another that is totally canon!
I like
Bobby/Courtney-Hey, after all, this was how the story started, so why not?
Bobby/Loor-This was supported by the author, so why not me?
Mark/Courtney-They spend so much time together reading the journals Bobby sends them, so it would be perfectly natural.
I suppose any pairing within the Travelers would be acceptable to me, except for the generalizations I've already made, and anybody with Gunny would be wrong as well, seeing as he is old enough to be everyone else's grandfather.
I like
Artemis Fowl;
Not really a lot of options, but I like
I can't say Itruly dislike any particular pairings, here.
Teen Titans;
I like
Rob/Star-It's obvious they like each other. After all, who's always yelling "Starfire!" when she's hurt? Or explaining things to her when she's confused? Look at the episode Stranded. Why did she react that way when he said "She's not my girlfriend?" She knows the meaning of the concept. And why was Robin so tongue-tied when she asked him what he thought of her? Observe, in The End of the World, the evil version of Starfire's line, spoken to the real Starfire; "When you're gone, Robin will be all mine!" And in the original comic book timeline, they actually did fall for each other. P.S. I am vindicated in "Trouble in Tokyo!"
Rae/Aqualad-I'm wary, and maybe I shouldn't say that I actually LIKE it, but it does have a little justification, based on one cartoon episode and one from the comics. There may be more, but I haven't seen every single episode, so I don't know.
KF/Jinx-I am of the same opinion as Rae/Aqualad, but Again, I am obligated to admit that there is justification, which also happens to be not-so-subtle.
BB/Rae-Why do you think he's always trying to get under her skin? And why does it work as often as it does? Also, this is another one that was true in the original timelime. I have a link here to prove it! http:///albums/y212/DeTroyes/tt30-01.jpg
The only surprising thing (in my opinion) is that SHE'S the one who kissied HIM!
BB/Terra-Totally canon (in THIS timeline, anyway). They couldn't have made it much plainer than they already did! And personally, I believe she was NOT evil, just mislead and confused! How else do you explain her sacrificing herself to save their lives?
Cyborg/Bumblebee-Hey, it could work, though think Cy/Jinx has much more justification.
Cyborg/Jinx-In AU fics, there's a possibility he could be the one who convinces her to become a hero. I still think it should have been that way...
I'm wary of Rob/Rae fics. If they were involved with each other, who would everyone else be paired with? Certainly there would be broken hearts and jealosy in abundance. However, I do admit it's somewhat possible, and will read a fanfic containing this pairing if it is of exceptional quality.
I'm also wary of Rae/Cy, but again, if it is of good quality, I will read it.
I personally haven't encountered any BB/SF, but some authors have suggested it is out there. I just want to say, in my opinion, that that relationship has less than a snowball's chance in hell of working out. Sure, they're both optimistic and cheerful, but since when has Beast Boy taken the time to be serious and explain anything properly? Starfire would always get on his nerves due to her quirks and questions, and she would be left clueless if HE tried to explain something! (if he would even bother)
GENERAL NOTE. While I understand fans would like to see particular pairings, myself included, I also realize that sometimes they're just not feasible. Also, like it or not, people (both real and fictional) eventually change. It's a part of life. Therefore, pairings that are feasible NOW may be impossible at some point in the future.
Favorites--Books/Series:--(In case you haven't figured it out by now, my favorite thing to do in the world is read. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have nearly so many on my favorites list. Come to think of it, I wouldn't even be on this site!)
Harry Potter (Though each death is a nasty shock when I see it!), Pendragon (Especially the most recent one, The Pilgrims of Rayne, even though it held a lot of surprises!), Animorphs (The ending totally sucked, being a cliffhanger and all, but the rest of the series was great!), Artemis Fowl (What kid or teen wouldn't like a series featuring one of their own who was a genius practically from birth?), The Wheel of Time (Unless you're a really heavy reader, and of fantasy at that, I wouldn't recommend it. These books are huge! But I fit my recommendation criterion, so I'm happy! I've finished reading the eleventh, The Knife of Dreams), Eragon (I have finished the second book, Eldest, and am eagerly awaiting the third!), The Magic of Xanth (By Piers Anthony, and contains at least 30 books so far. I read the first, A Spell For Chameleon, in less than a day, and am waiting for the next one to come out, Air Apparent), His Dark Materials (By Philip Pullman; it's a trilogy involving several alternate realities. The books, in order, areThe Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass), and The Saga of the Noble Dead (by the husband and wife team Barb and J. C. Hendee. It's an entire series, not just one book.)
Authors: Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, A. K. Applegate, and Kevin J.Anderson (a major writer of Star Wars novels)
Cartoons: (Yes, I watch cartoons. I rarely got a chance when I was a young kid, so I'm making up for it now.) Static Shock, Teen Titans, and Kim Possible(Cause they're teenage heroes!)
Movies/Series: Pirates of the Caribbean, James Bond, Star Wars (Though the newer ones aren't as good in my opinion. And you got to love the books, too!), Galaxy Quest, and The Santa Clause (You must admit, anything with Tim Allen in it is hilarious!)
Quotes 1."I must admit, Jack, I thought I had ya figured. But it turns out you're a hard man to predict."
"Me, I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly (pause for effect) stupid." Captains Barbosa and Sparrow, in Pirates of the Caribbean
2. "Proteus, here's the way this works. First, I actually commit a crime, and then you get to blame me for it!" Sinbad, in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
3. "Superman is what I can do. Clark is who I am." Clark Kent, in the TV show Lois and Clark, episode Tempus Fugitive
As for me personally, I am an 18-year-old male, and I live in the United States, Washington State to be specific. I'm not saying any more. (What? I may be short-sighted enough to need abnormally thick glasses, but I'm not an idiot. Haven't you people heard of identity theft?) I have completed my senior year in high school.
I have a dog. (cats are ok, but personally I don't think they are the best choice for pets, though they're perfectly fine if they're someone else's pet!)
As for my physical characteristics, all I'm going to say is that I'm short (but getting taller) and am perfectly ordinary in appearance, except for my abnormally large and thick glasses. I refuse to reveal any more.
If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or the vise versa copy this into your profile.
If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy this into your profile.
If you like chocloate as much as I do, copy this in your profile.
If you think that those stupid kids should just give that poor Trix rabbit some Trix, copy this into your profile.
If you hate those irritating mosquitos giving you mosquito bites copy this in your profile. (Arghh! Evil pests!)
If you ran up a down escalater copy this into your profile. (Its fun!)
If you have ever forgotten your name while introducing yourself, copy this to your profile. (SO embarrassing!)
If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy this into your profile.
If you've ever busted a move/burst into song, copy and paste this into your profile.
If you've ever wondered what you are like in another dimension, copy this in your profile.
There's nothing wrong with arguing with yourself. It's when you argue with yourself and LOSE when it's weird. If you agree, copy this and put it in your profile.
For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you stare at a pencil and laugh when someone asks you just what you find so interesting about the eraser. Crazy is when you have an hour long sob-fest, then start singing and dancing when your favorite song plays. Crazy is when you do or say a totally random thing, like "do you ever wonder where the eraser bits go?" or start having a thumbwar with yourself (I find that I am a very tough opponent). So if you're crazy, copy this onto your profile.
92 percent of the teenage population would die if Abercrombie and Fitch said that it wasn't cool to breathe anymore. Put this in your profile if you're part of the 8 percent that would be laughing your butt off.
If you screamed "FINALLY! IT'S ABOUT TIME!" when the "special scene" in "Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo" happened before Cyborg said it, copy this into your profile.
Even when you can’t see him GOD is there! If you believe in GOD put this in your profile
98 percent of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you are one of the two percent who haven't, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to this list: Queen S of Randomness 016, Queen B of Randomness 016, AnimieKittyCaffe, The Gypsy Pirate Queen, That Bloody Demon, The Astrology Nerd, Shadow929, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Yavie Aelienel, Hyperactively Bored, Spymaster E, Shanny-Boo, Gem W, Brown-eyed angelofmusic, piratesswriter/fairy to be, Bara-Minomoto, Em Quagmire, Buffy The Mary-Sue Slayer, Random Little Writer, SamanthaFantasyFan, The-Good-Die-Alone, Breeze94, Brambleclaws Babe, LunarClaw, Manhttngal43, realfanficts
Too many kids and teenagers have smoked or tried marijuana. If you haven't, copy and paste this onto your profile
Racism is wrong and can often times destroy people's self confidence. It's a horrible and cruel way to treat people. To prove that we are all alike, try this simple experiment: hold your hand up to a light of some kind. You'll see a shadow cast nearby. Now, have someone of a different race hold their hand up too. You'll see, essentially, the same image. Five fingers and a palm. Skin color doesn't matter when you get right down to it. If you are against racism, copy this message and my symbol for equality to your profile. ( o o ) = ( o o )
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