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driver2lala-land PM
Joined Jan '05


Why is my name driver2lala_land? And how did I think of such a name? Very simple: I was once very smart and had all advanced classes (i still do - suprisingly), but me very dumb sometimes got a little too happy with some thing (but im not a junkie) and became a complete burn-out. So while I dose off in class my mind starts to think of the stupidest things. Then when my teacher (any of the 6 ones i have) calls on me to answer something I look completely lost. So, because of my dosing off I was able to wander with very stupid excuses. So I say one of the many stupid excuses. Then the class laughs. Also the teacher looks at me like their going to attack me with vengence running up and down their spine. Well, that should explain name is driver2lala_land because that is what I am. I thought of the name whileI was IN Lala Land. I have come up with a themesong as well. Though it needs some touch-ups.

a burn-out is a person that stresses too much over school academically (?) then simpley after a while tends to lose their grip and becomes gradually slow (i'm not a junkie - i produce too much adrinaline (chemical wen u work out) and too quickly so i sorta got high on myself - it thats possible)


Hermione and Ron is ALL I read.

Harry and Ginny pairs are whatever. (i must read it in the Hr/R fics i read or other boring pairs)

Slash I don't mind if there isn't too much detail.

Anything with Snape just creeps me out.

Damn, isn't weird how grammer-perfect this profile is?

Well, right now I'm just reading fics - but my first fan-fic will be out very soon! I wrote a REALLY good one but I like to write my stroies out on paper first because I don't really like computers though right now I'm using one. Sorry, I'm a complete crazy person. Well, I wrote it then I lost it. And it was four chapters in (not a lot but there would have been a new one every week). Well - TTFN!

I'm Colombian!YaY!

I live in Miami!YaY!

I love Tigger!YaY!

I love Donald Duck!YaY!

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