Just In
MiDushiNoSushi PM
Joined Jan '05

I dont' have much to say about myself. I first stumbled onto this website while i was cruising my favorite website and i'd read a ton of Xena and X-Files fanfics. Then, during the school year, I began watching JAG on USA and have been hooked to the reruns ever since. Now, I read fanfics every single day, using every bit of free time to throw myself out of my own world into the amazing world that all of these gifted writers have created for us. Incidentally, I suppose that it's a good thing that I 1) love to read, 2) have no social life right now because I've just moved to a new place and haven't really met anyone interesting, and 3) am involved in a long distance relationship, thus contributing to my lack of a social life and my ability to spend every free minute reading fanfics.

I'm currently in love with L&O: SVU, ST Voyager, Terminator SCC, WH13, TDWP, Gargoyles, HP, the X-Files, Alphas, and The X-men...

And to my Love, when you read this, me dushi mi beta...

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