Hiya! I'm a Slytherclaw and A HUGE FAN OF HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!! B-)
Fandoms I belong to:
- Harry Potter
- The Hunger Games
- Percy Jackson
- The Land of Stories
- Everlark
- Percabeth
- Romione
- Dramione in AVPM, AVPS, AVPSY
- Annick
- Jiper
- Frazel
Name: Sabrina Phyllis Sparks
House: Slytherin Personality: Confident, friendly (most of the time), cunning, sarcastic
Quidditch position: Chaser
Best friends: Draco Malfoy, Maddie Alexandra Malfoy
Appearance: Metamorphagi, usual appearance: dark long brown hair in a plait, black glasses, tall, brown eyes
Patronus: Dragonfly
Siblings: None
Parents: Jamie Sparks (Mother) Apollo (Father)
Pet: Barn owl called Audrey
Year: Fifth
Parentage: Pure blood
Name: Maddie Alexandra Malfoy
House: Slytherin
Personality: Cunning, funny, witty
Best friend: Sabrina Phyllis Sparks, Piper McLean
Sibling: Draco Malfoy (twin)
Appearance: Long wavy blond hair, pale pointed face, sharp nose, blue eyes, tall
Parents: Narcissa Black (Mortal parent) and Lucius Malfoy (Father) and Aphrodite (godly parent)
Year: Fifth
Parentage: Pure blood
Pet: Pastel Calico cat called Rumbleroar
Name: Riley Johanna Chase
House: Ravenclaw
Personality: Smart, friendly, though flies into a rage easily
Quidditch Position: Seeker
Bestie: Luna Lovegood, Thalia Grace, Ally Joelle Carpenter
Appearance: Black brown short straight hair, grey eyes, black glasses, heart-shaped face
Patronus: Dolphin
Pet: Snowy Owl called Jackie
Year: Fifth
Sibling: Annabeth Chase
Parents: Frederick Chase, Athena (Godly Parent), Mrs. Chase (Mortal Parent)
Parentage: Half-blood
Name: Ally Joelle Carpenter
House: Ravenclaw
Personality: Funny, intelligent, generally nice, impatient, good at Quidditch
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Best Friends: Annabeth Chase, Alice Walker (Starry eyed-ninja's OC), Kloey Annabeth Leslie (Another of Starry's OCs)
Appearance: Long wavy auburn hair, light green eyes, medium height, skinny
Patronus: Phoenix
Siblings: Not known
Parents: Iris (Godly Parent) *Ally is an orphan
Pets: Brown tuxedo cat called Zoella
Parentage: Not known, but most likely half-blood
Year: Fifth
District: 3
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