TheEurpacifamerasian1021 PM My Stories 6
19Deather Exposed »
Heather won Total Drama Action. Now TDA Aftermath is revealing how she pulled it off using an unlikely affair. DuncanHeather, as the name Deather suggests. Rated T for brief language and sexual content.
Total Drama series, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 2, words: 2k+, favs: 16, follows: 13, updated: 9/6/2009 published: 9/3/2009, Heather, Duncan
13Starfire II
After Slade kills Starfire, Robin takes over the world and becomes an evil dictator. But when he clones Starfire, will she be okay with what he has done? RobStar
Teen Titans, T, English, Romance & Sci-Fi, words: 527, favs: 8, follows: 10, 8/19/2006, Robin, Starfire
47Family Reunion II: Slade's Revenge »
This is the sequel to Family Reunion, if you couldn't tell by the title. Nikki is starting her junior year and hates her life. Just when she thinks things couldn't get any worse, Slade comes seeking revenge. RobStar BBRae CyBee OCOC OCOC
Teen Titans, T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 10, words: 10k+, favs: 5, follows: 3, updated: 8/15/2006 published: 3/28/2006, Robin, Starfire
Popularity: For better or for worse? »
Richard Grayson and Kory Anders have been best friends since kindergarten. But how will Kory take it when Rich becomes popular and gets a popular girlfriend? KittenRobStarX TerraBBRae CyBee
Teen Titans, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 9, words: 9k+, favs: 38, follows: 26, updated: 8/11/2006 published: 1/18/2006, Robin, Starfire
Family Reunion »
Richard and Kory haven't seen eachother for a really long time. After Slade kidnaps their daughter, will old feelings come up? I FINALLY UPDATED! Woohoo. RobStar RaeRob CyBee OCOC, OCOC, and OCOCOC. I know, a lot of OC. But just read it.
Teen Titans, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 12, words: 17k+, favs: 39, follows: 23, updated: 1/8/2006 published: 6/17/2005, Robin, Starfire
Love Hurts »
Okay, an improved but still crappy summary. Starfire gets a boyfriend, but how does this affect Robin? And what is up with her boyfriend? READ IT! Chapter 5 up. RobStarOCKitten
Teen Titans, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 8, words: 6k+, favs: 18, follows: 7, updated: 6/27/2005 published: 3/22/2005, Starfire, Robin