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Favorite Stories 9
28 The Gentleman of Greenstoke » by Naeryda England 1850: Mr Wang is worried about his Goddaughter's future. Upon receiving an invitation from his friend Mr Jones, he visits England. Although the Master of the house has not been informed yet of said visitation. [Full summary inside! Pairings: Prussia/Hungary and England/Female Japan (Iggypan/Asakiku/Asasaku)] (I changed the title)
Hetalia - Axis Powers, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 24, words: 53k+, favs: 34, follows: 25, updated: 6/9/2016 published: 1/16/2016, [England/Britain, Japan] [Hungary, Prussia]
35 The Guardian Of the Sea » by Naeryda Elizabeta Héderváry is a female pirate, giving orders in her father's -the captain's- name, until he fell into the hands of the enemy. In order to save him, Elizabeta and her friends must undergo a task that almost seems impossible to accomplish, making them face dangerous situations: the Royal family and the Sea. Pairings: Pruhun, Lietbel, Asakiku/Iggypan (female Japan)
Hetalia - Axis Powers, T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 46, words: 78k+, favs: 39, follows: 55, updated: 5/31/2016 published: 7/19/2015, [Hungary, Prussia] [Belarus, Lithuania]
The Comforting Alcohol and Girlfriend by Ninilia Hungary comforts Prussia. PruHun, (incredibly) short something, fluffy (?)
Hetalia - Axis Powers, K, English, Romance, words: 392, favs: 3, follows: 2, 4/9/2016, [Prussia, Hungary]
22 Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart » by Meluzina AU. Olaszországban játszódik a második világháború alatt. Feliciano Vargas szenvedélyes, bár kissé félénk tagja az Olasz Ellenállásnak. Soha nem gondolta volna, hogy beleszeret egy német vadászpilótába... és ez a szerelem a végsőkig próbára teszi a hűségét nemzetéhez, és a szívéhez.
Hetalia - Axis Powers, M, Hungarian, Romance & Angst, chapters: 18, words: 86k+, favs: 16, follows: 7, updated: 12/16/2012 published: 8/12/2012, N. Italy, Germany
176 It's Worth It » by Terra Saltt A rock and a broken window is hardly what Tino expected to lead him to a friend. But their friendship will be tested as Berwald, who has been bedridden most of his life, is allowed to go to public school. What will be worth it in the end? SuFin
Hetalia - Axis Powers, T, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 10, words: 32k+, favs: 255, follows: 97, updated: 6/27/2012 published: 5/16/2012, Finland, Sweden
298Read My Lips » by Terra Saltt Tino enjoys the comfort of a quiet library and dreaming minds when he picks up on the charming thoughts of a perfect stranger. Has Berwald found someone that can fully understand him, even when he is silent? MindReader!Tino x Deaf!Berwald AU
Hetalia - Axis Powers, T, English, Romance, chapters: 10, words: 36k+, favs: 450, follows: 224, updated: 5/13/2012 published: 1/9/2012, Finland, Sweden
57Why is Mama Moaning? by QuartzApple Sealand can't sleep - and hears an interesting noise coming from Sweden and Finland's bedroom. So, naturally, he decides to investigate. Much awkwardness ensues, complete with The Talk.
Hetalia - Axis Powers, T, English, Humor & Family, words: 3k+, favs: 78, follows: 17, 2/25/2012, Sealand
88 I Saw Papa Kissing Santa Claus » by Terra Saltt A little Christmas magic brings Berwald quite the gift this year. SuFin with Sealand. Santa!Tino, SingleParent!Berwald, AdorableAsHell!Peter. Multi-chap fic. Fluff. Happy Holidays!
Hetalia - Axis Powers, K+, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 7, words: 18k+, favs: 175, follows: 59, updated: 12/11/2011 published: 12/4/2011, Sweden, Finland
20 Dry Your Tears, Finland by Hikari Kaitou Pre-relationship. Sweden finds Finland alone and in tears and offers him a shoulder to cry on, and a warm embrace to take comfort in. Gakuen!AU.
Hetalia - Axis Powers, K, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 112, follows: 14, 11/6/2011, Finland, Sweden
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