Hello, welcome to my profile page, I’m really not sure how to start this, but I’m going to start of with thangs I like, as you can tell from my profile picture and username I absolutely love giraffes (the picture may change depending on the animal and how good the picture is.) But outside of that I have very many favorite animes, like Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyu!! And yu-gi-oh. My favorite movies are The Avengers ( of course, why not!). the Lion King, Bambi, and Mulan. I don’t know how many people actually list their favorite games, but here are some of mine, my favorite gaming counsel is the Nintendo 64! That was the first counsel I ever played, my favorite games, are super Mario 64, Rush San Francisco, and Duke Nucem.
Okay, this is going to be a little informational section about endangered animals, so I’m going to start this off with a question, do you know what a Bongo is? And no I do not mean the drums. Every time I ask someone this question they have no idea what a Bongo is, so I’m wanting this to a way for people to find out what a Bongo is, Bongos are the largest and heaviest forest antelope, and to me they are a beautiful burnt red color with white stripes, and horns that can grow at almost any angle, aside from straight out sideways, also they are very gracefull when walking. But the sad thang is they are a near threatened animal, and before you ask, yes I have seen them, but only in a zoo, and that’s because their is not very many of them left out in the wild. I am not writing this to rub conservation in people ‘s faces, and if that’s what your thinking then don’t bother reading this, but I just wanting to get Bongos a little more widely known, so mabey next time I ask some one the question: ‘do you know what a Bongo is?’ They might answer with a ‘yes’ instead of a ‘ no’
( all this information is from what I see when I go to the zoo, but the more informational stuff is from The African Wildlife Foundation web page.)