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Joined Apr '05
Formally GundamCat
(like a southern cat) Well, Hi!
Favorite Movies: MontyPythonHolyGrail, FlightoftheNavigator, Narnia movies, most Godzilla movies & now the RotTMNT movie. (loved it)
Favorite TV Shows: SDGundamWorld, KirbyAnime, KaitouSaintTail, Kemeko DX, AngelLinks, & RotTMNT..(i know, shock! but i freakn love it, didn't think i would but i do, i mean sing with me 'Leo ate my heart and Donnie ate my brain)
Favorite Bands / Musical Artists: Journey & FamilyForce5 but fav 'song' is BrokenWings by Mr.Mister
Favorite Books: (Mangas)DragonHalf. (Novels)ChroniclesofNarnia
Favorite Games: BraveFencerMusashi, FinalFantasyVIII, Kirby(SuperStar,64,AmazingMirror,PlanetRobobot), 1stClassicSpyro