Dear Reader,
As loathe as I am to admit it, my patience for the people on this website has run dry. Six years now, I've put my heart into my work and followed the characters as they spoke the story they wanted to tell. I have laughed, cried, gone through some of my darkest days, and discovered a love for the art of writing that will never fade. I've bumped elbows with some of the worst, seen more than a few of the best this site has to offer and I've tried to be nice to everyone. But as I was once told, treat others the way you want to be treated. If you are so unhappy with your life that you have nothing better to do than to try and discourage my writing, then I wish you a better life. *throws up a paw in salute* May your days shine brighter, and you regret your choices because Karma will have her way.
For those of you who still want to hang around...I'm moving to AO3. I've had an account other there for a little while now and have slowly been sliding into it but after November 1st my work will solely be found there. I'm not done. Not by a long shot. I've made promises and I will stand by them until I take my last breath. So if you want to find me over there look me up under the same name. The link will also be in my bio. I wish you all a long life full of joyous worlds and haunting melodies.
Grizzly98 is out for good.