Just In
Coolfire30 PM
Joined Sep '16

Name: Catalina/Liezel

Pronouns: Any

Birthday: July 30

Sexuality: Aroace

Age: 18

Place of origin: Spain/Philippines

Residency: Australia

Eye color: Gray/Black

Hair color/type: Dark brown-black curly hair.

OTP: I don't have one, but I enjoy reading Kagome fics more than the average fan.

Studying: Tafe


My updates are highly irregular and don't really depend on how many reviews I actually get each chapter least not anymore. Despite this, however, reviews are very much appreciated, especially when they provide suggestions and ideas. I just generally write when the inspiration hits me, when I stop being a lazy mofo, or when a reviewer gives a very good suggestion.

Facts about me:

Has an overactive imagination? Evernote is my best friend at 2 am.

Has a borderline addiction to reading? Very much so.

An unhealthy amount of interest in taboo topics? Yes.

A self-proclaimed queen in procrastinating? You have no idea.

An anime and manga 'enthusiast'? Definitely.

Has a mountain of unpublished stories? It's pretty much expected.

Has an unrealistic dream of establishing a consistent upload/update regime? We don't talk about that anymore.


I'm sorry for my inactivity *bows head* I've been in and out of the hospital and couldn't find the energy to write...but I have gotten better and as my visits to the hospital lessened, I found that my muse finally decides to wake up from its months' long slumber. In accordance with this newly found energy, I will be updating my stories this week and publishing more. Yes, I know I shouldn't but months of being in the hospital with limited access to the internet have made my head spin with hundreds of ideas! My muse has been very active as of late, and as a result, I've got a multitude of stories that I NEED to publish.

I'm also very sorry to the people I have made the decision to Beta their stories and received nothing. I promise you I have not done anything to it, nor posted on a different platform. So I do hope you all forgive me for 'essentially ghosting' you all.


My procrastination has reached new heights! 8 months of inactivity! I'm not proud of that fact, just thought it slightly hilarious.

Stories Details/Updates


I find myself surrounded by bright blinding lights and a wall of humans sneering and yelling. I ask myself...'Who woke me up?

Interest - High

Update Rate - Sporadic at best

Amount Written -

Intentions - 30 Chapters



What would an Assassin-like, Weapon's expert, Hand to hand combat master AND Legendary Priestess do to a Titan and asshole infested cage? Why liberate them of course...but not without knocking some of their pompous asses down first. Oh? And did I mention the hot, steamy and overly complicated relationships? Well, I just did. How and why would all this happen you ask? She's Kagome...

Interest - High

Update Rate - Sporadic at best

Amount Written -

Intentions - Minimum 20 Chapters


10/06/19 - Chapter 1 to 3 edited and re-posted.

Cycle of Blood:

...But then, she felt it; the slowing beats of her heart, the blurriness of her sight, the shortness of her breath. She thought, finally...Silk on her body, a whisper in her ears, a soft caress...You must live for yourself Kagome...I let you die once, but never again...

Interest - Mediocre

Update Rate - Sporadic at best

Amount Written -

Intentions - Undecided


Author: Follow Favorite

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