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clairedeviltrashTM PM
Joined Jan '17

Hello, strange and wonderful website. You can call me Raye. I'm 22, she/her, pan, and a board certified WASP. Also a massive geek. So if you can't tell by my username, Claire Temple and Matt Murdock should've been endgame. fight me, Netflix. I absolutely live for angst with a generous helping of hurt/comfort. fluff is welcome too, but I prefer to see characters suffer quite a lot before they are healed. the h/c genre is deplorably deprived of platonic stuff, though I do love me some post-angst comfort-smut. My fandoms on this site are mostly LOTR, Narnia, Superhero Stuff, Harry Potter, Star Trek, and other random things that float by my radar. I'm not hyper-focused on pairings but when I am I have very strong preferences. ANTI incest (siblings) or abusive pairings unless the fic specifically and explicitly is writing in condemnation of those things and that is on VERY thin ice. ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on underage content/shipping. I don't mind people who like Sherlock BBC but I am pretty sick of it and there are few fics of it that I can tolerate anymore so keep that in mind. Also, I can count on half a hand the number of character-who-didn't-die-in-canon-is-now-dead fics I have read and even less that I really love so I'll probably never read those cause I'm a wimp and it hurts too much. Hey, I said I like my characters suffering, not dead. I strongly encourage recommendations based on my favorites and my tastes. I also like interaction so...hit me up.

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