2 Another Chance by JourneyRocks13
After finding out that Griff was gone and nowhere to be found, the group had returned to the Ebon Hawk for one last hyperspace trip to the Star Forge. But, on the hyperspace flight was one very distraught teenage twi'lek. The onus fell on Revan to lift her spirits and make her feel better. And what better way was there to lift her spirits than a game of pazaak?
Star Wars, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 8, follows: 2, 1/21/2017, Revan, Mission V.
15Knights of the Old Republic 3: False Dichotomy by Melkor's Mercy
Nobody could have predicted what would happen between Meetra Surik and Darth Nihilus. Despite all of Kreia's intricate schemes, Nihilus survives the battle aboard the Ravager. What does this mean for the Galaxy, and why do they have a force bond now? Pretty much how I think KOTOR 3 should have been. Female Exile, Male Revan.
Star Wars, T, English, Sci-Fi & Romance, words: 7k+, favs: 43, follows: 41, 1/2/2017, Revan, Bastila S., Exile/Meetra Surik, Darth Nihlius