I am certain that you don't want to hear about me - in part because you come to Fanfiction to experience the creative genius of various authors, not to read an autobiography, and in part because through my writing, you already know much of my heart and my character. Therefore, I will give you the factual basics, although most of it has little bearing on who I am.
I am a country girl from Vermont.
I am twenty-one years old.
I am a junior at the University of Vermont, majoring in European History and minoring in Italian Studies.
Of all the places in which I have lived, the city of Forlimpopoli, Italy remains my favorite.
I have a great love of the sea and all of her romance, and I have been working on boats every summer since I was fifteen. I intend to continue following this love after achieving my degree.
In Fanfiction, I mostly write King Arthur and Harry Potter. I may dabble in random categories of fiction and Fanfiction, but mostly my creative energies are focused in those areas.
I hope you all enjoy my writing. Don't forget, however, that none of my chapters are meant to stand alone unless so designated. I write with an overall plot - therefore, some things may not make sense until the next chapter, or even several chapters later. Don't worry - it's all part of the grand plan.
Finally, I do not accept flames, nor do I condone them. I do wish that flamers would find something more constructive to do with their time.
"There's no one singing war songs now like people used to do;
No "Over There," no "Praise the Lord," no "Glory Hallelu";
Perhaps at last we've asked ourselves what we should have asked before;
With the pain and death this madness brings, what were we ever singing for?"
- MASH, "Dear Uncle Abdul"
"Down, down, down, into the darkness of the grave.
Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind.
Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know; but I do not approve, and I am not resigned."
- Edna St. Vincent Murray