Favorite Stories 43
859Peter Pan Forever » by
I never believed in Peter Pan, Neverland, or faeries. So why, when Neverland is slowly dying, am I the one pulled away from Earth and everything I know and love to save it? Frankly, they've got the wrong girl, and I'd like to go home now. Please?
Peter Pan, M, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 30, words: 107k+, favs: 331, follows: 233, updated: 5/31/2022 published: 2/17/2002
2k+Harry Potter & the Azkaban Parody » by
Fangalla Marie and Eppy the House Elf
Azkaban Story! After reading so many Azkaban stories, I have decided to write a parody of my own. This is about how everyone is demanding that Harry forgive them for betraying him without actually asking. I am going for humor more than anything.
Harry Potter, M, English, Parody & Humor, chapters: 22, words: 69k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 4/26/2021 published: 1/4/2005, Harry P., OC
Fallen » by
Kicked out of Page training, Kel becomes entangled in a bitter struggle for the suffering people of Scanra. Four years later she returns to Tortall, a stranger to those who once knew her, a stranger who has not forgotten the promises she made...
Protector of the Small Quartet, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 83, words: 424k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 8/31/2013 published: 12/3/2006, Keladry, Nealan, Raoul, Domitan
1k+The Unbreakable Vow » by
Ash Darklighter
Strange lights are seen across a deserted country lane. The wizarding world is calling him home.
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Romance, chapters: 37, words: 264k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 2/24/2013 published: 8/5/2007, Harry P., Ginny W.
The World I Leave Behind » by
Harry went into the forbidden forest to let Voldemort kill him, but was taken prisoner, instead. He is believed to be dead, and Ginny, Ron, and Hermione struggle to find a way forward. Canon is followed up to Chapter 34 of Deathly Hallows. Please R&R.
Harry Potter, M, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 17, words: 216k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 702, updated: 7/17/2011 published: 7/4/2009, Harry P., Ginny W.
618Healer » by
Morgaine is the sister of Arthur, as well as the wife & lover of both Galahad & Gawain. The war is over and the time for healing is at hand. GawainMorgaineGalahad. R&R.
King Arthur, T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 114, words: 204k+, favs: 101, follows: 57, updated: 7/13/2011 published: 2/7/2005, Galahad, Gawain
Time Will Reveal » by
Kit Ruskova always knew this year would be different, but she never could have expected how drastically her life would change. The Dark Lord was after her family, her cousin was in England for good and James was starting to look at her funny. Kit's attempt to navigate the school year and her complicated feelings towards a certain Chaser amidst a brewing war. JP/OC MWPP Complete
Harry Potter, T, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 34, words: 148k+, favs: 124, follows: 76, updated: 6/20/2011 published: 7/27/2010, Sirius B., Remus L., James P., OC
76Silence » by
Sera Femme
The story of two sisters starting life anew at Hadrian's Wall.
King Arthur, M, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 12, words: 28k+, favs: 23, follows: 43, updated: 1/6/2011 published: 11/4/2008
Past, Present and Future » by
Witch of Eastwick
Gawain's wench disappears from his bed and Arthur finds a murderous young woman in his room. Things suddenly are not as quiet as they were around the fort. Their last Woad season coming up, the knights try to find out what she is hiding.
King Arthur, M, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 56, words: 177k+, favs: 229, follows: 123, updated: 1/24/2010 published: 7/24/2005, Tristan, Gawain
Alexandra Quick and the Lands Below » by
Seventh grader Alexandra Quick returns to Charmbridge Academy. This year she will face bullies from another wizarding school, a secret Dark Arts club, and her father's scheming, but her most terrible trials await her in the strange and deadly Lands Below!
Harry Potter, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 37, words: 235k+, favs: 754, follows: 246, updated: 6/3/2009 published: 11/29/2008, OC
197Redemption of the Conquered » by
Forced into a life of brutality, she must overthrow others to survive. When she is finally taken from that forsaken place, will she go back to the life she knew or follow the one who finally conquered her?
King Arthur, M, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 16, words: 56k+, favs: 141, follows: 150, updated: 1/18/2009 published: 5/7/2005, Tristan
Harry Potter and the Runespoor Shield » by
Ms Spider
Harry is still angry but this year he has a person to blame. A secret trunk, a kitten with a secret and an secret potion. I've been told this isn't complete. It is a complete year at Hogwarts as are the books so I considered it Complete.
Harry Potter, T, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 62, words: 293k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 1/8/2009 published: 3/18/2004, Harry P., Ginny W.
29The Fates Play Around » by
The Second story, following on from the events of Chance is a Fine Thing. What does the future hold for Lancelot, Tristan, Iseult, and now Taron? Will Taron's parentage ever be revealed? And can Arthur prevent Britain from being invaded by the Saxons?
King Arthur, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 14, words: 20k+, favs: 8, follows: 12, updated: 7/31/2008 published: 7/24/2005
285The Great Hogwarts Portrait Rebellion » by
Ten years after the fall of Voldemort the Minister decides to commission a portrait of the Order of the Phoenix. It isn't the best idea he's ever had.
Harry Potter, M, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 10k+, favs: 331, follows: 448, updated: 6/9/2008 published: 11/21/2005, Hermione G., Severus S.
Seeking Ginny » by
For years Ginny Weasley has tried to stop her feelings for Harry Potter. She's even uprooted her life. But what happens when it's time to come face to face with him again?
Harry Potter, K+, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 16, words: 165k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 754, updated: 5/28/2008 published: 3/21/2003, Ginny W., Harry P.
230Wild Child » by
The knights are on the ice, Dagonet is about to fall...but who is the weird stranger who comes to save them? After the Battle of Badon Hill...which knight will be compelled to find her out? Violence and swearing people...TrisOC WIP
King Arthur, T, English, Romance & Romance, chapters: 16, words: 51k+, favs: 103, follows: 99, updated: 2/24/2008 published: 6/1/2005, Tristan, OC
Eyes as Green as a Fresh Pickled Toad » by
Sierra Charm
Prequel to A Lily Story. Before they were Harry's eyes, they belonged to Lily. This is her world, where pranks, gardens, necklaces, uncles, Dark Marks, and several infuriating Gryffindor boys reside.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 26, words: 489k+, favs: 743, follows: 231, updated: 1/7/2008 published: 7/22/2001, Lily Evans P., James P.
92A Shattered Soul » by
A mysterious Saxon aids the knights...are his purposes sincere, or does he have an agenda? Sequel to "The Peril of Secrets"
King Arthur, T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 13, words: 74k+, favs: 13, follows: 17, updated: 11/27/2007 published: 3/31/2005
An Unbreakable Bond » by
Will a small boy bring the Sarmatians together at last, or will he break them apart? Prequel story to The Peril of Secrets
King Arthur, T, English, chapters: 11, words: 52k+, favs: 13, follows: 7, updated: 8/21/2007 published: 3/28/2005
A Sirius Situation » by
I deeply apologize for the delay in this story. I've had to rework it many times in order to get the plot to work. I'm going to be posting it in sections, so no more cliffhangers. Thank you so much for your patience.
Harry Potter, K+, English, Adventure, chapters: 26, words: 52k+, favs: 84, follows: 41, updated: 7/18/2007 published: 11/29/2004, Harry P., Ginny W.