Welcome! I love reading and writing. So, please enjoy my abode of mad writings.
If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile.
Put this on your profile, if you ever pushed the door that said pull.
Hello. Please enjoy yourselves
important stuff:
1. Anonymous reviews are permanently disabled.( To justify this, I have received spam and threats. So, no. I will not enable them.) note: OK, i have re-enabled them. let's see where this goes...
2. I copied a review once and I will never do it again. I promise! I will not do it again!!!( that was in 2010 or 2009.)I am utterly sorry! That was the first and last time!
3. Do not email me with rot saying sailor moon or anything of the fandoms that I like are evil. They are not!!
3.1- No racism or sexism in any emails!!! I will place them in the spam folder or delete or report to any mods! so, be warned!
4. Never threaten me or my family members.(seriously, people have done that... before. um, if you dislike/hate me, just press the back button or go to some other fanfic or another profile. seriously. You need psychological help if you think threatening someone is the right thing to do.)
5.I like what I like, so stop forcing me to dislike what I LIKE!
6. if I don't like your ship, don't force me to like it!!!
7. ( added in 2015 ) If you know my real email address, don't send spam, porn, scams or any etc...crap to it!PLEASE don't do it.
8.If the summary does not say ABANDONED, it is not abandoned.
9. If the summary does not say ON HIATUS, it is not on hiatus.
10. I hate stalkers! Kindly f* off if all you want to talk about is sex! or have f*ed up sex games. URGH. just shut up and go away!( had a stalker problem at the start of 2020... despite the pandemic... ugh...)
I am tanithlipsky in http://
Enjoy my stories!
Situation regarding some of my Stories:
potential stories( maybe these might happen or they may not):
1. Sailor Moon and the next generation- based on some roleplays and random ideas... Sailor Moon and her other sailor friends have children. Some of these children turn out to be evil. some others turn out to be good. What will happen next?
2. No Sailor Moon, Only Serenity- In a world where there is no sailor Moon, what will happen?
3. Sailor Moon and the other sailors have children. Some are biological, some are adopted. What happens when some spouses vanish and some of their children turn evil?
4. Ten years after the battle of hogwarts, Draco Malfoy lives as a muggle. What happens when Hermione finds him?- note: will not be Harry Potter canon. It is an AU... as you can see from the pairing.
5. Ginny and Draco pairing- I want to try and see if I can write something regarding this pairing.
1.hate at first sight- working on it!
2. Moonlit Lunacy( note: was named...shattered crystal...( a long time ago)- working on this!/ under rewrite( will rename as: Shattered Lunacy Moonlit Crystal)( now: it's up as The Years of Lunar Lunacy)
3. Moon Resolution- working on this!
Dead fics( never to be continued)
0.Mysterious Moon and Astonishing Complexities- current focus! now: Magic Moon cobweb
1.Mercury Dragon( rewritten as Magical Moon and Inexplicable Intricacies( first rewrite is now deleted, a rewrite is in progress- is up as Mysterious Moon and Astonishing Complexities )
2.Mysterious Moon and Astonishing Complexities(I will call it MMAAC) is deleted and merged with Mercury Dragon which is renamed as Magic Moon cobwebs.( regarding MMAAC I will rewrite this, as soon as I edit the crap out of it because it has some very bad writing...)
2.Lunar Paths( to be rewritten . The new title will be Moon Resolution)( rewrite up!)
3. Preshippuden crack( the humour died/ dried up for this.)
4. The Demented Moon Trials
5.Tragic Heroic Villains
completed( These are my triumphs)
1. Cosmos Resolution
2.Deep Yet Clear Water
takes time
4. The Darkest Kiss
If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father at the gates of Heaven.
Note: if a review of mine has been posted blank on anyone's fanfic... sorry! I blame the website. It tells me that the review is empty but I did type words! really! I did! I promise!
-I believe in Jesus-
MY OLD USERNAMES HERE: Sailor Pandabear, tanithlipsky, SailorMoon20114486 , Mooneasterbunny, swordbunny4486 ,tanith-4486, TanithLipsky , KoiGirlPGSM and Gokoa, Sailor GaOn Donut, FabulousMoonie.
14 oct, wednesday, 2020
added a rule about stalkers...
16 June 2021
deleted a few bits of sentences from my profile and two old updates.
25 Jan 2020:
The Years of Lunar Lunacy is up. deleted one old update
17 july 2022 all of my fanfics are in deviant art now. deleted one.-Magic Moon cobweb