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MomoTheFlamingo PM
Bio Fav: Authors
Joined Aug '05

Hey guys!! My name is Morgan and I am oh-so-very excited to start up my Fanfic account once again. It's been a long time since I've written, and I now have Microsoft 2007 (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE) so I'm writing like crazy. might take me forever to put a chapter up, but understand I lead a busy life and that I am fairly picky about my chapters and how they are written. I don't want to put a bunch of rushed crap on here like I used to haha. Hopefully, I'll start slow and work on one story at a time like a smart author. Most likely I'll end up with three by the end of the summer. Critique is LOVED!! Praise is ADORED!! so please pick either one and leave me lots of Reviews :)

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