Just In
alphaprince0 PM
Joined Mar '17

birthday: 05-15-2000

gender: male

pronouns: he/him

sexual orientation: straight

where I live: USA/North America

email: zkar9515@

favorite colors: red, purple, black, silver, and gold

favorite foods: pizza, angel hair pasta, cheese ravioli, barbecued/smoked meat, miso soup, and white rice

other info: I have autism and ptsd

If I was given three wishes I would wish for

1)hI want to have fifteen of my favorite Meta Essences of my choosing which in order of importance would be first Essence of True Freedom, second Essence of the Sanguine, third Essence of the Moonlit Manor, fourth Essence of the Nomad, fifth Essence of the King, sixth Essence of the Harem Protagonist, seventh Essence of Character Assimilation, eighth Essence of the Binder, ninth Essence of the Divine Spark, tenth Essence of the Scholar, eleventh Essence of the Mad Doctor, twelfth Essence of the Blank, thirteenth Essence of the Soul Manipulator, fourteenth Essence of Cold, fifteenth Essence of the Dominator with some of them synergizing due to their compatible with each other. In exchange for having so many Meta Essences the power/capabilities of most of them will be restricted and can only be used to their full extent while inside the manor I get from Essence of the Moonlit Manor with only Essence of the Harem Protagonist, Essence of the Moonlit Manor, Essence of the Nomad, Essence of the Sanguine, and Essence of True Freedom being fully unrestricted at all times. The characters I would choose for my Essence of Character Assimilation would be Coyote Starrk from Bleach, Sesshōmaru from Inuyasha, and Franken Stein from Soul Eater which would all synergize nicely with my other Meta Essences such as Coyote Starrk’s Arrancar abilities working with Essence of the Soul Manipulator, Sesshōmaru’s experience as an Inu-Daiyōkai and the Lord of the Western Lands working with Essence of the King, and Franken Stein’s medical/scientific capabilities and experience with the Black Blood working with Essence of the Mad Doctor and Essence of the Sanguine. My default appearance would look similar to an attractive/good-looking mix between myself(for my caucasian/Irish-American heritage), Sesshōmaru(for his long silver/white hair, gold iris color, pointed ears, claw-like nails, and fair/light skin), and Coyote Starrk(for his facial features, height of 6ft 1in tall, weight of 169lbs/77kg, body-build/physique, Hollow Mask, and general appearance). Regarding the items/companions I would get from Essence of Character Assimilation I would choose to have my own version of Lilynette Gingerbuck, Bakusaiga, Tenseiga, and Marie Mjolnir but I want to have them be merged into one entity named Rose Noire with a mix of all of their capabilities(such as their physiology and abilities), a different appearance based on an attractive/good-looking mix between Scarlett Johanson from real life(for her height of 5ft 3in tall, weight of 125lbs/57kg, body measurements of 36in/91.44cm bust, 25in/63.5cm waist, and 36in/91.44cm hips, and bra size of 32DD), Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist(for her facial features, black hair color, light purple/mauve iris color, light/fair skin, and general appearance), and Marie Mjolnir(for her eyepatch which would turn into Rose’s Hollow Mask), and a different personality based off of a mix of Marie Mjolnir(for the main components of Rose’s personality including Marie’s kindness, compassion, and protectiveness), Retsu Unohana from Bleach(for her maturity and the duality of being caring towards allies/friends and sadistic towards enemies/opponents) and Blair from Soul Eater(for her shameless, mischievousness, and seductive nature) that’s also completely loyal/submissive to and in love with me in a way that she will never betray me and doesn't mind sharing me with other women as long as I stay with her as well.

2) An ability similar to the Elder Blood from the Witcher tailored specifically to me and my new physiology/abilities from my first wish giving me an extremely high affinity/talent for the concepts of space and time as well as allow me to travel through space and time to different universes/dimensions in the multiverse/omniverse and choose which point in their timeline I arrive, even being able to go back to universes/dimensions I’ve already been to and arrive a few minutes after I left as well as being able to take others with me. This would synergize with the Essence of the Nomad and Essence of True Freedom that I got from my first wish.

3) A completely loyal sentient/sapient A.I. assistant based ability connected to the souls/minds of both myself and Rose Noire which would be a combination of Cortana from Halo, Great Sage from Tensura(That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime), and the A.I. Chip from Warlock of the Magus World with the best aspects of each but with the additional feature of having an unlimited data/memory storage capacity and without the negatives such as the risk of Rampancy from Halo. It/she would have two main functions: the first would be to assist us with anything we need help with and the second would be to help our minds by protecting them from various dangers and keeping a perfectly accurate record of all of our memories/knowledge. it/she would synergize with the Essence of the Mad Doctor and Essence of the Scholar I got from my first wish.

The first would give me an attractive appearance, near limitless potential, a useful set of powers which will help me throughout all of my new life, and a beautiful partner(Rose Noire). The second would make it so I can have a lot of fun adventures and never be bored. The third would give me and Rose the perfect assistant to help us on our adventures as well as enough knowledge on how to use our new bodies/powers and train/improve ourselves.

Name: Victor Aeternus

Titles: The Unrestricted Anomaly, Master of Blood, Hollow Emperor, The Dark King, Hollow Daiyōkai, The Wolf Dragon, Lord of Canines, Eternal Traveler, The Immortal Hunter, and Arbiter of Souls

Race: A hybrid between a Vasto Lorde class Arrancar(from Bleach), Inu-Daiyōkai(from Inuyasha), and Meister(from Soul Eater) giving me the abilities of both as well as an unique form of hybrid vigor that improves my body and soul

Gender: male

Height: 6 feet 1 inches tall or 1.8669 meters tall

Weight: 125lbs or 57kg

Skin Color: fair/light

Hair Color: silver/white

Eye Color: gold irises that turn blood red when I’m really angry and using Blood Drive

Energy(Reiatsu/Reiryoku and Yōki) Color: silver/white with a thin turquoise blue outline in its normal state, dark magenta when mixed with my blood, or completely black when I’m really angry and using Blood Drive

Likes: improving myself, fighting powerful opponents, sleeping, reading, listening to music, and cooking/eating my favorite foods especially barbeque

Dislike: being controlled/manipulated, politics, pedophiles, killing/torturing innocent children, prophecies, and arrogance without the proper power, skill, or knowledge to back it up

Meta Essences: Essence of the Binder, Essence of the Blank, Essence of Character Assimilation, Essence of Cold, Essence of the Divine Spark, Essence of the Harem Protagonist, Essence of the King, Essence of the Sanguine, Essence of the Soul Manipulator, Essence of the Mad Scientist, Essence of the Moonlit Manor, Essence of the Nomad, and Essence of True Freedom

Templates: Coyote Starrk(from Bleach), Sesshōmaru(from Inuyasha), and Franke Stein(from Soul Eater

Abilities/Traits Inherited From Templates: Arrancar/Inu-Daiyōkai/Meister Physiology(from a combination of Coyote Starrk, Sesshōmaru, and Franken Stein), Supernatural Longevity(from a combination of Coyote Starrk and Sesshōmaru which would work in synergy with the various forms of immortality/regeneration from my Essences) Accelerated Healing/Regeneration(from a combination of Coyote Starrk and Sesshōmaruwhich would work in synergy with the various forms of immortality/regeneration from my Essences), Reiatsu/Reiryoku(from Coyote Starrk which would synergize with my Essence of the Soul Manipulator), Resurrección(from Coyote Starrk and shared with Rose Noire similar to how Coyote shares his with Lilynette Gingerbuck), Reikaku/Soul Perception(from a combination of Coyote Starrk and Franken Stein which would synergize with Essence of the Soul Manipulator), Cero(from Coyote Starrk), Gran Rey Cero(from Coyote Starrk), Cero Oscuras(from Coyote Starrk), Cero Metralleta(from Coyote Starrk), Air-Walk/Flight(from a combination of Coyote Starrk and Sesshōmaru), Sonído(from Coyote Starrk), Hierro(from Coyote Starrk), Descorrer(from Coyote Starrk), Colmillo(from Coyote Starrk), Soul Partition(from Coyote Starrk which would synergize with my Essence of the Soul Manipulator), Wolf Pack Generation(from Coyote Starrk), Yōki(from Sesshōmaru), Mokomoko-sama(from Sesshōmaru) Dokkasō(from Sesshōmaru), Light Whip Generation(from Sesshōmaru), Holy Resistance(from Sesshōmaru), Poison Resistance(from Sesshōmaru which would synergize with Essence of the Mad Doctor), Cold Immunity(from Sesshōmaru which would synergize with my Essence of Cold), Transformation(from Sesshōmaru), Soul Wavelength/Wavelength Control(from Franken Stein which would synergize with my Essence of the Soul Manipulator), Soul Resonance(from Franken Stein which would synergize with my Essence of the Soul Manipulator), Soul Menace(from Franken Stein which would synergize with my Essence of the Soul Manipulator) High Pain Tolerance(from combining the pain tolerance of myself Coyote Starrk, Sesshōmaru, and Franken Stein which would synergize with my Essence of the King), Indomitable Will(from combining the willpower of myself, Coyote Starrk, Sesshōmaru, and Franken Stein which would synergize with my Essence of the King), and Genius-Level Intelligence(from combining the intelligence/IQ/EQ of myself, Coyote Starrk, Sesshōmaru, and Franken Stein which would synergize with Essence of the Mad Doctor and Essence of the Scholar)

Talents: because of Essence of the Blank I would have limitless potential

Preferred Concepts and Elements that I would mainly use/study: interdimensional/multiversal travel, space, time, death, life, immortality, soul/spirit, magic, void, darkness/shadow, light, night/moon, healing/restoration/resurrection, purification, blood, poison, rot/decay, plants, nature, weather/storm, ice/cold, lightning/electricity, water, wind/air, music, sound, vibrations, dogs/wolves/canines, craftsmanship, hunting, war/combat/battle, royalty, and ruling/leadership

Energies: Reiatsu/Reiryoku(Bleach) and Yōki(Inuyasha)

Name: Rose Noire

Titles: The Blood Priestess, Hollow Empress, The Dark Queen, Lady of Duality, Traveler’s Companion, The King’s Flower, The Hunter’s Weapon, and Arbiter’s Judgement

Race: A hybrid between a Vasto Lorde class Arrancar(from Bleach), Yōkai Sword(from Inuyasha), and Demon Weapon(from Soul Eater) giving her the abilities of both as well as an unique form of hybrid vigor that improves her body and soul

Gender: female

Height: 5 feet 3 inches tall or 1.6002 meters tall

Weight: 125 pounds or 57 kg

Three sizes: 36in or 91.44cm for bust, 25in or 63.5cm for waist, and 36in or 91.44cm for hips

Bra size: 32DD

Skin Color: fair/light

Hair Color: black

Eye Color: light purple/mauve irises

Energy(Reiatsu/Reiryoku and Yōki) Color: light purple/mauve in its normal state or bright magenta with a thick black outline when she’s really angry

Likes: improving herself, fighting powerful opponents, caring for her friends, and singing/playing music

Dislikes: being controlled/manipulated by anyone but Victor Aeternus(aka me), pedophiles, and killing/torturing children

Templates: Lilynette Gingerbuck(from Bleach), Bakusaiga(from Inuyasha), Tenseiga(from Inuyasha), and Marie Mjolnir(from Soul Eater)

Abilities/Traits Inherited From Templates: Arrancar/Yōkai Sword/Demon Weapon Physiology(from a combination of Lilynette Gingerbuck, Bakusaiga, and Marie Mjolnir), Supernatural Longevity(from a combination of Lilynette Gingerbuck and Bakusaiga), Reiatsu/Reiryoku(from Lilynette Gingerbuck), Resurrección(from Lilynette Gingerbuck and shared with Victor Aeternus similar to how the Lilynette shares hers with Coyote Starrk), Reikaku/Soul Perception(from a combination of Lilynette Gingerbuck and Marie Mjolnir), Cero(from Lilynette Gingerbuck), Air-Walk(from Lilynette Gingerbuck), Sonído(from Lilynette Gingerbuck), Hierro(from Lilynette Gingerbuck), Descorrer(from Lilynette Gingerbuck), Yōki(from Bakusaiga), Yōki Wave(from Bakusaiga), Kenatsu(from Bakusaiga), Decomposition(from Bakusaiga), Resurrection(from Tenseiga), Spiritual Combat(from Tenseiga), Healing Energy Wave(from Tenseiga), Purification(from Tenseiga), Protective Barrier(from Tenseiga), Transformation(from Marie Mjolnir), Full-Weapon Transformation/Mjolnir(from Marie Mjolnir), Soul Wavelength/Wavelength Control(from Marie Mjolnir), Soul Resonance(from Marie Mjolnir), Healing Wavelength(Marie Mjolnir), Internal Electricity(Marie Mjolnir) Lightning Rope(from Marie Mjolnir), and Absorb(from Marie Mjolnir)

Talents: she would have talents for using the capabilities of a Demon Weapon as well as anything that has to do with the concepts/elements soul/spirit, healing/restoration/resurrection, purification, blood, rot/decay, and weapons

Preferred Concepts and Elements that she would mainly use/study: interdimensional/multiversal travel, space, time, death, life, immortality, soul/spirit, magic, void, darkness/shadow, light, night/moon, healing/restoration/resurrection, purification, blood, poison, rot/decay, nature, weather/storm, ice/cold, lightning/electricity, water, wind/air, music, sound, vibrations, and weapons

Energies: Reiatsu/Reiryoku(Bleach) and Yōki(Inuyasha)

favorite books, shows, movies, and games

books: Harry Potter, Inheritance Cycle, Ranger's Apprentice

live action tv: Doctor Who, Bones, NCIS(before Abby left), Rizzoli & Isles, House MD, Good Doctor

live action movies: Underworld

cartoon shows: Classic Continuum Ben 10(i.e. Original Series, Alien Force, Ultimate Alien, and Omniverse), Generator Rex, Danny Phantom, Original Teen Titans, Justice League, Young Justice, Avatar The Last Airbender, Lgend of Korra, Storm Hawks, Slugterra, Chaotic, Beyblade, Pokemon, Digimon, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss

cartoon movies:

anime/manga: Bleach, Naruto, My Hero Academia, Soul Eater,

video games: Skyrim, Mass Effect, Prototype, Devil May Cry, Fallout 4, World of Warcraft

books, shows, movies, and games I don't like


live action tv: NCIS(after Abby left)

live action movies:

cartoon shows: Ben 10 Reboot, Teen Titans Go

cartoon movies:

anime/manga: Boruto

video games:

favorite characters

Ben 10: Ben Tennyson, Gwen Tennyson, Kevin E. Levin

Noblesse: Muzaka, Frankenstein, and Cadis Etrama Di Raizel

Undead Unluck: Andy, Victor, and Haruka Yamaoka

Prototype: Alex Mercer, Dana Mercer, and Elizabeth Greene

Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood, Fleur Delacour, Nymphadora Tonks, Sirius Black, and Bellatrix Black

Star Wars: Revan, Yoda, Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Ahsoka Tano, Din Djarin, Ros Lai, and Fay

Bleach: Coyote Starrk, Lilynette Gingerbuck, Kisuke Urahara, Yoruichi Shihoin, Retsu Unohana

Soul Eater: Crona, Ragnarok, Blair, Franken Stein, Medusa Gorgon, and Arachne Gorgon

Naruto: Anko Mitarashi, Karin Uzumaki, Kushina Uzumaki, and Kaguya Otsutsuki

One Piece: Boa Hancock, Dracule Mihawk, Nico Robin, Roronoa Zoro, Shanks, and Yamato

Inuyasha: Sesshōmaru

Avatar The Last Airbender: Azula, Tai Li, June, Katara, Toph and Iroh

Legend of Korra: Korra, Asami, and Kuvira

My Hero Academia: Rumi Usagiyama, Himiko Toga, Kaina Tsutsumi, Nejire Hado, Tsuyu Asui, Mina Ashido, Mei Hatsume, and Eri

Nanatsu no Taizai: Merlin, Ban, King, Meliodes, Escanor, Tristan Liones, Mael/Estarossa, Gloxinia, Derieri, Melacula, and Gelda

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss: Alastor, Charlie Morningstar, Carmilla Carmine, Loona, Queen Bee/Beelzebub

Marvel: Selene Gallio, Emma Frost, Stepford Cuckoos, Jean Grey,

DC: Raven, Poison Ivy, Harley Quin, Grail, Crush, Lobo, Vandal Savage,

Underworld: Selene, Amelia, Lucian, and Eve

Highschool DxD: Ophis, Valerie Tepes, Yasaka, and Kunou

Twilight: Alice Cullen, Tanya Denali, Kate Denali, Irina Denali, Jane, and Leah Clearwater

characters I don't like

Prototype: Peter Randall and Blackwatch

Harry Potter: Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Lucius Malfoy

Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker, Kylo Ren, and Palpatine

Bleach: Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Naruto: Danzo Shimura, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno

One Piece: Arlong, Buggy


Avatar The Last Airbender: Ozai

Legend of Korra: Unalaq, Tarrlok, Amon

My Hero Academia: Katsuki Bakugo, Minoru Mineta, and Enji Todoroki

Nanatsu no Taizai: Supreme Deity, Demon King, Izraf,

Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss: Adam, Lute, Sera, Mammon

Marvel: Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, General Ross, William Stryker

DC: Clark Kent/Superman,

Underworld: Viktor

Highschool DxD: Issei Hyoudou, Riser Phenex, Kokabiel, Valper Galilei, Freed Sellzen

Twilight: Edward Cullen and Aro

favorite pairings

Ben 10: Ben x Gwen, Ben x Charmcaster, Ben x Harem

Harry Potter: Harry x Harem, Harry x Hermione, Harry x Luna, Harry x Fleur, Harry x Tonks, Harry x Bellatrix, Neville x Hannah, OC x Harem, OC x Luna, OC x Fleur, OC x Tonks, and OC x Bellatrix

Star Wars: OC x Harem, OC x Asajj Ventress, OC x Ahsoka Tahno, OC x Fay

Naruto: Naruto x Harem, Naruto x Hinata, Naruto x Anko, Naruto x Karin, Naruto x Kushina, Naruto x Kaguya, OC x Harem, OC x Anko, OC x Karin, OC x Kushina, and OC x Kaguya

One Piece: OC x Harem, Oc x Boa Hancock, OC x Robin, OC x Yamato, Ace x Yamato, Usopp x Kaya, Zoro x Hiyori, and Zoro x Robin

Inuyasha: Inuyasha x Kagome and Sesshōmaru x Rin

Avatar The Last Airbender: Aang x Katara

Legend of Korra: Korra x Asami

My Hero Academia: OC x Rumi

Nanatsu no Taizai: OC x Merlin, Ban x Elaine, and Meliodes x Elizabeth

Marvel: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner x Betty Ross,

DC: Poison Ivy x Harley Quin,

Underworld: OC x Selene and Lucian x Sonja

Highschool DxD: OC x Harem, OC x Ophis, OC x Valerie, OC x Yasaka, and OC x Kunou

Twilight: Bella x Yuri Harem, Bella x Alice, Bella x Tanya, Bella x Kate, Bella x Irina, Bella x Jane


pairings I don't like

almost any male x male pairing with some exceptions as long as they are not the primary focus of the story such as Sirius Black x Remus Lupin together as supporting characters like uncles for Harry

Ben 10: Ben x Kevin

Harry Potter: Ron x Hermione, Harry x Draco, Harry x Snape, and Harry x Tom/Voldemort

Star Wars: Rey x Kylo

Naruto: Jiraiya paired with anyone in a serious relationship

Avatar The Last Airbender:

Legend of Korra: Korra x Mako, Korra x Bolin, Mako x Asami

My Hero Academia: Mineta paired with anyone


Highschool DxD: Issei paired with anyone

Twilight: Bella x Edward and Bella x Jacob


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