Just In
Sivenus PM
Bio Fav: Stories
Joined Oct '05

My name's Codie, but my pen-name here is Sivenus (SIV-e-nus), and I know you wish yours was too. I mean, honestly, who doesn't want a name that is partially based on the Roman Goddess of Beauty? Nobody, that's who.

Moving on, I have no occupation, although I do wash the dishes for $10 a week, and I do go to school (although, as of writing, it's the summer holidays - wh00t!). I'm moving onto highschool this year, and frankly, I'm terrified.

I write lots of fanfiction - Morrowind, Black Jewels Trilogy and Harry Potter, mostly - but most of it will never, ever appear on this site, because if it weren't mine, I wouldn't be able to read it. People tell me I'm a good writer but no amount of good writing can cover up the liberties I take in fanfiction. Plus, I don't have much motivation to write (although I do have the skill and the imagination), because I'm the laziest being on the face of the Earth. My parents call me the Australian Idle and laugh like it's the funniest joke in the world. I don't find it particularly funny, and not just because it's targeted at me.

But I digress.

I comment here, and I love doing so. Picking out the flaws in other people's work is so much fun=) But I am nice. Promise.

Shoutout to Honeycups who is the soppiest writer I've ever read (and really good at it, too), even if she is a Ginny/Draco shipper.

Well, that's all I can think up right now. Have fun!

Love Sivenus.

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