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Joined Oct '05

HEY There homies!!!

Here's a little about myself

age: not gunna say but it's between 13-17

favorite pairings are: AVATAR: Zutara, sometime Jetara, and kataang depends on how its written Sokki (?) and Taang HARRYPOTTER: HermioneXMalfoy, Harry and whoever the heck he wants, Ron and Luna most of the time INUYASHA!: KagomeXInuyasha KagomeXSesshamoru and Mirouku and Sango...duh!!! Working on a story yeah it's Zutara...if your lucky it'll be up by Christmas 2006...

Oh and a one shot about Katara and Jet...I think it should be up in the next few days so keep an eye out

remember if i owned avatar harry potter or inuyasha do you think i would be writing fan fiction??

~~AngelofWinter~~ or you can call me sarah whatever floats your banana boat! (heheheh inside joke)

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