I, I'm WillTreaty532. I like reading Ranger's Apprentice and books like it! I like to swim and make my friends laugh. I just moved to Arkansas so Fan Fiction has helped a lot. Fanfiction has showed me so many creative people! So if you are reading this I hope you have a lot of fun like I do!!
Ranger's Apprentice Pledge:
I promise to remember Will,
when Life chooses an odd path for me.
I promise to remember Halt,
when my brother says he hates me.
I promise to remember Alyss,
when the flames of Life seem to consume me.
I promise to remember Gilan,
when my one true love says no.
I promise to remember Crowley,
when I have to take charge.
I promise to remember Pauline,
when I have to make a deal.
I promise to remember Morgarath,
when I feel jealous of someone else.
I promise to remember Erak,
when my country goes to war.
I promise to remember Selethen, (did I spell that right?)
when the summer's heat beats upon my face.
I promise to remember Duncan,
when my little girl grows up.
I promise to remember Maddie,
when the whole world thinks you can't.
I promise to remember Horace,
when someone needs a heart so pure.
I promise to remember Evanlyn/Cassandra,
when my friend needs me most.
I promise to remember Jenny,
when I give up the one I love for what I love to do.
I promise to think of Ranger's Apprentice,
whenever someone needs me.
Hope you enjoy, copy and paste to your profile if you are a Ranger's Apprentice nerd like me! Add your name to the list, so I can know I'm not the only one. WisperRanger26, WritersBlock-is-Lazyness, WillTreaty532,