Gender: Male
Birthday: May
Zodiac: Gemini
Home Base: U.S.A.
Time Zone: U.S.-Central Standard
Just a random working-man, who earns a few extra bucks doing independent proofing. Also loves games, anime, manga, music, movies, beautiful women, ice cream, and literature. Anything else? Well, you'd have to just ask me directly via PM. ;)
Oh, by the way, I regularly update this "Bio" page with news updates on the status of projects and whatnot, and entries that are older than a few months will be deleted so as to keep clutter here to a minimum. I'm sure we've all seen those overly filled pages before, right? :P
Anywho, everyone take care and have a good one! :D
For people who may not be aware, my father passed away in early 2018. It's been rough for a number of reasons. Some obvious, some not so much, but I'm hanging in there. I owe him that much. Rest in peace dad. Gone, but not forgotten... 1947-2018.
Ditto for Stan "The Man" Lee. He will be missed. 1922-2018
For all those lost in 2020-2023 due to Covid, and for those whom yet remain, my thoughts and prayers be with you.
Also, it seems that the fanfic site has reset its email alerts. No clue why. I can only assume that it's part of some sort of update but regardless, be sure to check on it and spread the word about that. In regards to reactivating your email alerts, from what a friend of mine was telling me, we need to do that once every 6-months from now on.
(NOTE: What is meant by an, "Irregular release schedule", is that releases will be alternating between a chapter for one, then work on the other, and so on and so forth. I hope that clears up any confusion.)
-Writer & Editor for "Of Dragons' Sorrows & Souls Reborn". *On hiatus.*
-Writer & Editor for M-Rated side-story, "A Dragon's Passions". *On hold.*
-Writer & Editor for "Sage of the New World". *Next chapter in pre-planning stages~!*
-Beta for "God of a New World", by pta917. *Irregular release schedule.*
-Beta for MISC stories & authors here & there on the site. Heh. I keep busy to be sure. :P
*DISCLAIMER* FYI, I do not own Overlord/Naruto, its characters, lore, etc. They belong to their respective rights holders. If I lay claim to anything it would be my own original characters & concepts. I hope that I've made that perfectly clear. ;)*
This is a section for those stories I recommend to others to read up on, ASAP. Of course, you could just go to my "Favorites" page and check out what I read, but then you would still have no idea what I would personally recommend. Welp! Look no further! In addition to the stories I edit for other people in the section above (as well as my own stories :P), here is a list of stories that I recommend! :D
-"Overlord: The Exiled", by Reis Nailo.
Written by an extremely talented and awesome individual. You're doing yourself a disservice by passing this one up.
-"The Lunar Dragon Empire", by Zandaino-Nova-Ari.
Though still young yet, this one shows promise and potential. Definitely worth keeping an eye on for updates. Just give the author some time. He keeps busy with IRL. ;)
-"Overlord Phantasy", by Bladegrip.
A criminally underrated fanfic, this one was completed some time ago, so no need to wait on updates. This one (technically a crossover), did a LOT of interesting things rarely seen in most fanfics. Like evolving and developing Ainz's character, and giving Nazarick a legitimate threat to take care of, it's definitely worth your time to binge-read. While the author's first language is not English, which will lead to some grammatical errors here and there, it does not detract from the overall enjoyment of the story. So what are you waiting for? Check it out~! :D
-"Overlords of the Elven Dominion", by High King Azanar.
Another fairly unique fanfic that I got into, although IRL shenanigans are keeping me from reading it on the regular like I'd like to. Still, I've read enough to where I would recommend it. So just maintain an open mind and I see no reason why you wouldn't enjoy it either. :)
-"Diabolic Lover", by Dawn Sorenson.
This is an original story posted on the sister site, "". Yeah, it may not be a fanfic, but who cares?! It's a damned good read for those craving an erotic story with actual plot and character development. Plus, it's got over 60 chapters and is still updated consistently. So, do I really need to try and convince you anymore? READ IT! :D
Want more? Then check out the top 50 titles in my favorites list. Those are either in a "complete" status, or are still receiving updates. ;)
-Also, here is a bonus for you people. I have seen a LOT of misconceptions regarding the powers, abilities, and overall power scaling regarding two of the heaviest hitters in anime/manga antagonists, Madara and Aizen. As someone whom writes the Madara crossover, and does Beta work for the Aizen crossover, these misconceptions REALLY get on my nerves. So then, in an effort to clear some of these misconceptions up, and possibly enlightening ignorant Overlord fanboys who think Nazarick trumps all, check out this video. The partial link is for a YouTube video. Just copy and paste it and you should have no issues. Enjoy! :D
PARTIAL LINK: /watch?v=VchqvMYjvbA VIDEO AUTHOR: SethTheProgrammer
-Hey there! Another video to entertain all you fine folks out there. This one is by the same author as above, and deals with power scaling, and how ridiculous some people can be with their logic, or lack thereof. Vid length is shorter than the previous one, so it should make for easier viewing. Enjoy! ;)
PARTIAL LINK: /watch?v=piYl3fuCntA VIDEO AUTHOR: SethTheProgrammer
-UPDATE-10/04/2022: Welp true believerz, it seems we have a problem. Such as? Well, I come home from work, even after dodging a traffic accident no less, only to discover to be the target of harassment and personal attacks via PMs, and spam-bombing in the reviews from an overly zealous "Overtard" as they are called. You may have noticed the review section of the Madara crossover being clogged by that garbage. Well, if this pathetic good-for-nothing thinks that this will stop me from continuing my work, he's got another thing coming. Seriously, with all the crap going on in the world, including a war in Ukraine that's killing TONS of people on the regular, Covid and other diseases still haunting our everyday lives, a global recession making day-to-day living difficult at best, and Europe facing an energy crisis threatening to kill lots of people in the coming winter, it's both ridiculous and pathetic. I mean, really? Uuugh... This pitiful dreg needs to get a life. Or a wife. Well, until then, I ask that everyone chip in and report as much of these spamming incidents as possible. I don't get paid for this. It's a hobby I share with all of you, and this type of juvenile harassment is not going to fly. Well, until next time, everyone take care and stay safe out there. Laterz~!
-UPDATE-10/09/2022: Howdy folks~! Just an update letting you all know that the next Madara/Overlord crossover chapter is now in-progress. No clue when it'll be released, but rest assured that I'll do my best to make sure it'll get out the door ASAP. Also, thanks for the words of encouragement you all have given via reviews and PMs in response to that retarded troll. Although that childish incel is still lurking out there somewhere, it gladdens me to know that my readers still have my back. Everyone take care and stay safe out there in this insane world of ours. Especially with all that madness happening in Ukraine. My heart and prayers goes out to ALL of those suffering because of it.
-UPDATE-05/27/2024: Good afternoon folks~! Just a quick update. I'm still alive, recently celebrated my birthday, and now enjoying Memorial Day. For those in the US, Happy Memorial Day~! As for the next Madara chapter, slowly but surely it's coming together. IRL shenanigans notwithstanding, it should be out the door within the next two-weeks. Fingers crossed! Until then, everyone take care and have a good one. ;)
-UPDATE-08/04/2024: Hey there peoplez. Sorry for being so silent as of late. Been going through a lot. Work and financial related issues, and a death in the family, just to name a few. Summer heat not helping in those regards either. But I'm still hanging in there, and some good news? THe next Madara chapter SHOULD be out within the next couple of weeks. Unless of course something else happens in the interim. Let us all hope that won't be the case. Until then, everyone take care of yourselves out there, stay cool, and stay hydrated. :)
-UPDATE-08/09/2024: So! After numerous delays, and IRL kicking me in the balls, I have FINALLY posted a new Madara chapter. I can only hope that the next one doesn't take as long, but until then, I hope everyone enjoys it, and you all have a fun and safe Friday evening. ;)
-UPDATE-08/17/2024: Hiya folks~! Sorry for being MIA. Having to deal with more IRL shenanigans, as well as that stupid troll who made a return. But thanks to y'all who've been reporting on that mess, that disgraced loser-baby had been nuked from FFN. Thanks to everyone who were on top of that, and a big THANKS to the mods who replied in short order! Anywho, moving forward away from that, next chapter is currently in its planning stages. No clue when I'll be able to post it, but hopefully it shouldn't take as long as the last one. At least I hope so. Life likes to throw us curve balls after all. Case in point, I had to mourn the passing of a relative during the month of July, so that sucked. We'll see what happens. Until then, everyone take care of yourselves out there, appreciate your friends and family, and have a good one!
-UPDATE-08/31/2024: Greetings true believerz~! Once again, sorry for being MIA. As usual, IRL's been keeping me busy for a number of reasons. Primarily due to health related reasons. But I've been more or less hanging in there. I'm kind of stubborn like that. Anyways, preliminary planning has been completed and work on the next Madara crossover chapter has begun. Albeit slowly. When will it arrive? No freaking clue. Although if I had to guess, it'll take a couple of months. We'll see what happens. Until then, everyone take care and have a good one~! :D
-UPDATE-10/22/2024: For those wondering, YES I am still alive. Just been through a few things. Been worried sick about friends and family caught in the double-act hurricanes that have hit lately. Also been dealing with personal health issues, AND if all of that wasn't enough, my computer gave up the ghost, and my car needed some work. Whew~! Murphy's Law doesn't play around. So it'll be a while before I can do any fanfic related work. Heh. Go figure. Anywho, everyone take care of yourselves, keep your friends and family close, and I'll catch you all later. See ya~! :D
-UPDATE-01/31/2025: Hey there to everyone out there in the interwebs~! I hope everyone had a good holiday and New Year's. My apologies for being MIA for these past few months. To say that things have been hectic on my end would be something of a mild understatement. Without getting into details that I'd rather not put on a public platform, let me say that the last bit 2024 saw a great deal of things on my end going wrong. Everything from mechanical and computer failures, to home repairs, to financial and personal problems, it was like Murphy's Law decided to take a giant effing dumb on my head. Needless to say, I needed time to myself to get as much as possible in order.
Did I succeed? Partially. Although I'd be lying if I said that everything was back to normal. I will say that things are stable enough to get my newest chapter out the door. I can't promise WHEN my next update will come out. After all, IRL waits for no one, and it honestly feels like I'm only along for the ride. So we'll see what happens. Until then, everyone take care of yourselves, appreciate your family and the little things in life, and have a good one. Also, enjoy the new Madara chapter. Laterz~! ;)
-UPDATE-02/08/2025: Okay~! Things have been relatively stable, so I am pleased to announce that the next Madara crossover chapter is in its pre-planning stages. For those who MIGHT be unclear as to what that means, it basically means that I map out the next chapter's structure, basic plot, and overall arc. Once that's done, I start filling in some of the blanks with necessary details. Also, a few have asked when I'll have another Poll up since it's been so long since I've done one. An odd things to ask out of the blue, since the purpose of a poll is usually to gauge opinions on a particular subject. And so far, I have received mostly positive feedback, and support for the next release. Of course, I am open to ideas if anyone has any for a poll. Until then, everyone take care and have a good one!