I am a middle aged American woman from the mid-west with a deep love of reading. I fell in love with fanfiction in 2017 after coming across a story while googling something else and have never turned back. I love HP fanfiction the most. Time travel, transdimentional travel, AU are my favorites as long as it has canon characters. No female Harry (just no), slash, odd pairings (Draco/Hermione), mpreg or the like.
For the time travel writers put, transdimentional transfer techniques into google. Site is quantum future dot net. Very nice background info can be found there.
Harry/Hermione, Harry/Luna, Harry/Daphne, Harry and a combination of those 3.
No way ships
Harry with Ginny, Fleur, Tonks, slash
Opinions on characters
I dislike Ron. He was written as an immature ass who never apologizes in canon. Molly was written as an overbearing mother who refuses to let her children grow up. If she cared so much for Harry, she would have kidnapped him from the Dursley's and found a way to protect him. It was evident in the books that Dumbledore was more important than the welfare of a child. Ginny is a fan girl- period. Dumbledore was manipulative in some form or fashion in every book. And rarely in a good way.
Sirius is one of my favorite characters. He started as a hero in POA, risking all to save his godson from the evil that was Pettigrew. He ended as a non commital wanna be Godfather who failed his godson yet again in OOTP. I love those stories that show Sirius growing a set and standing up to Molly and Dumbledore in OOTP and actually helping Harry. Sirius allowing himself to be bullied by Dumbledore and Molly in OOTP really burns me. It makes no sense at all.
Dumbledore is a royal pain. He is portrayed as this benevolent leader of the light but not much of what he does is light. In the books, he allows Snape to mistreat students. That in itself is not light. Snape abuses kids and Dumbledore lets him. A great leader knows when to let others help. Precisely when did Dumbledore do that? Oh yeah, never. Seriously, every book has a darker styled Dumbledore. Needless to say, not my favorite character.
Trying to make Snape a good guy in DH is so far off base as to be laughable. The guy was portrayed as an ass through 6 books and now suddenly he is a hero? Nope. Still an ass.
OK, pet peeve time for time travel stories. Sticking like glue to canon. Boo, hiss, hiss. Make stories interesting please, not a re-hash of the books. My favorite time travel story is "We Are The Golden Trio" by Oracle2Phoenix. It has some grammar and spelling issues but I love it. It gets the job done without drawing out 4-7 years of story. It also explains going into their younger bodies in a way that actually makes some sense. I won't say anything else about it. Just go read it. It is a fun ride.
Another pet-peeve. Reviewers who review based on the movies. The movies changed the books entirely too much. It was sad that JKR allowed that when she became a producer.