Villager Stu. If I suddenly find this on the Quidditch soc page, I will happily let Laura tear you to shreds next time we're at the pub. That is all. :) (But thanks for saying my writing was good)
Hi, hello, how're you? Welcome to my profile; thanks for bothering to make it.
First things first, some of my stuff is from I was very young, and isn't much good. So if you read one, I apologize. Anything written pre 2010 isn't the greatest. I was thirteen ish and now that I'm older, hopefully I'm improving.
There's no particular couples that I write for. I tend to get ideas and then figure out who they fit. Salt and Rust was originally about the Malfoys, when I figured it fitted the Potters better.
I've just started uni (Got in before the government put the fees up - excellent times), so writing is sporadic and updating is even worse. Just as a heads up.
Ah, very quick thing. Where I'm from we say Mom, despite the fact that I'm British. Now, I accept that the majority of the UK says Mum (when they're not saying ma, mam, or mother). However, it's automatic for me to write Mom when writing fics, and to me there's nothing wrong with that, so I don't pick up on it when proof-reading. Despite the fact that in my head-canon, none of the characters I write about are from here.
Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion, that it annoys me when people favourite or alert without reviewing, so if it annoy me, it has to annoy people that I do it to. Therefore, I am pledging (cause I'm so cool) that I will not favourite or alert without reviewing.