My Stories 30
Digi Taming Mages »
Hey everyone, Tekky here, I've been quite busy recently and haven't been able to upload or write as much as I have liked so I have been pouring all of my energy into this story at the moment, I have been doing small updates to others that I hopefully will be uploading soon. anyways, I hope you enjoy, this story is part cannon part not, Tekky out.
Harry Potter & Digimon, T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 28, words: 63k+, favs: 121, follows: 102, 12/26/2019, Harry P., Takato M., Jenrya L./Henry W., Ruki M./Rika N.
Chosen of the Omnipotents-(Part 2) »
Hey everyone, Tekky here, now, I haven't been able to come up with a good name for this yet so, I'd like some suggestions, please comment and send in suggestions and I'll put up a vote for them in one of the chapters, Tek Out.
DC Superheroes & Harry Potter, T, English, Sci-Fi & Adventure, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, favs: 232, follows: 275, 9/10/2019, Harry P., OC
Magic and Machines »
Hey Guys and Gals, Tekky here with another new story for ya, i hope you all enjoy this new load of bullshit that I have thrown together for you. I do not own Harry Potter, Transformers, Yu-Gi-Oh or most of the other stuff that I will likely add into this, I do happen to own the first OC character that is introduced though, Have fun, Tek Out.
Harry Potter & Transformers, T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 15, words: 38k+, favs: 244, follows: 246, updated: 8/17/2019 published: 9/14/2018, [Harry P., OC] [Dudley D., Luna L.]
Pokémagic »
Hey people, Tekky Here, now, I have had this story in the works for months but haven't had the time to really put much effort into it, I hope you all like it, I do not own Pokemon or Harry Potter, Tek Out.
Pokémon & Harry Potter, M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 13, words: 34k+, favs: 200, follows: 218, updated: 8/17/2019 published: 4/11/2019, Kyurem, Harry P.
Digimagic »
Hey everyone, Tekky Here for a new story, another HP Digimon stry because why the hell not, it has been a while since I have uploaded anything, and along with some chapers on perious stories, i have decided to upload two new ones, this one and a Pokemon HP crossover, I do not own Harry Potter or Digimon, I do own my OC, Tekky Out.
Harry Potter & Digimon, T, English, Family & Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 36k+, favs: 94, follows: 92, updated: 8/17/2019 published: 4/11/2019, Harry P., Dudley D., V-mon/Veemon, Ami A.
49To Change the Future »
Hey everyone, Tekky here, i have been reading a lot of HP Time Travel stories so I thought, what the hell, I'll do one myself, this is my attempt at a HP Time Travel Story, enjoy, or not, Tek Out. OP!Harry. Smart!Harry.
Harry Potter, T, English, Sci-Fi & Supernatural, chapters: 10, words: 25k+, favs: 282, follows: 333, updated: 8/17/2019 published: 5/23/2019, Harry P., Lily Evans P., Narcissa M., Marauders
Child of the Fashionista »
Hey Guys and Girls, Tek here, This story was inspired by the Author Gamer95, he writes amazing Stories and I ask that you check out his pages, I don't own RWBY or Harry Potter, Tek out.
Harry Potter & RWBY, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 90, follows: 100, updated: 8/17/2019 published: 10/8/2018, Harry P., Coco A.
Child of the Queen of Light »
Hey Guys and Gals, Tek here, I was inspired by our good friend Gamer95 again so I started another one, I don't own Digimon or Harry Potter, Thanks for reading and thank you for all of the support you have given me since I started writing, Tek out.
Harry Potter & Digimon, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 3, words: 5k+, favs: 122, follows: 116, updated: 8/17/2019 published: 10/10/2018, Harry P., Minerva M., Hikari Y./Kari K., Tailmon/Gatomon
Chosen of the Omnipotents-Magi Mutant Hero »
Hey Everyone, I have a new Story for you. Another HP Crossover but you should be used to this by now, I hope you enjoy it, I do not own HP or Marvel, Tek Out. Multipairing. Powerful!Harry. Intelligent!Harry. Hero!Harry. Not Human!Harry.
Harry Potter & Marvel, T, English, Fantasy & Sci-Fi, chapters: 50, words: 115k+, favs: 852, follows: 738, 8/3/2019, [Harry P., C. Danvers/Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel, OC] J. Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix
Harry's Poké Adventure »
Hey everyone, Tekky here with another round of messing with Fate's best Bitch, Harry himself. I hope you all enjoy this little thing I have put together and just remember, i do not own Harry Potter or Pokémon, I wish I did but I don't, Tek Out.
Pokémon & Harry Potter, M, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 33k+, favs: 201, follows: 201, 5/21/2019, Harry P., Sirius B., Dobby, Hedwig
The Witch King and the Prisoners of Aincrad »
Hey There Guys and Girls, Tekky here, Bringing you the Third part of the Return of House Emerys Series. For all of you coming back to read it, welcome back, and for all of you just joining us, I hope you enjoy, I do not own Harry Potter or Yu-Gi-Oh, Tek Out.
Harry Potter & Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 4, words: 9k+, favs: 68, follows: 69, updated: 4/11/2019 published: 12/21/2018, [Harry P., Luna L.] [OC, Astoria G.]
Solar Phoenix of Fairy Tail »
Hey Guys and Girls, Tekky here, welcome back for another adventure of Family, Excitement and all out insanity, that's right, its a Fairy Tail story with some Harry Potter thrown in, I hope you all enjoy. I do not own Harry Potter or Fairy Tail. Super!Harry, OP!Harry, OP!Slayers, Tek Out.
Harry Potter & Fairy Tail, T, English, Fantasy & Friendship, chapters: 9, words: 14k+, favs: 230, follows: 260, updated: 1/17/2019 published: 1/6/2019, [Harry P., Mavis V.] Natsu D.
Harry Potter and the Dragonic Bond »
Hey Guys and Girls, Tekky Here with another story on Fate's favourite plaything. I hope you all enjoy this tale of Fantasy that will completely screw with the minds of many, many people, ironically that list includes me :). Hope you enjoy, I do not own Harry Potter, Tek Out.
Harry Potter & Merlin, T, English, Fantasy & Supernatural, chapters: 14, words: 32k+, favs: 275, follows: 271, updated: 1/1/2019 published: 12/27/2018, [Harry P., Fleur D.]
A Child's HERO »
Hey Guys and Gals, Tek Here for another story about everyone's favorite play toy of Fate. First off then I don't own Harry Potter or Teen Titans, no matter how much I wish I did. Second I do own a couple of OC characters that will be included in this story. Tek Out. Smart!Harry. Politically Powerful!Harry. Overprotective!Harry. Super!Harry.
Harry Potter & Teen Titans, T, English, Sci-Fi & Family, chapters: 6, words: 9k+, favs: 159, follows: 176, updated: 12/21/2018 published: 11/8/2018, [Harry P., OC] Raven, Robin
Magic Avengers »
Hey Guys and Gals, Tekky here, sorry for not writing in a while, I have had writers block on certain stories and as such I had to find something I could write so I made this, I hope you enjoy and I do not own Harry Potter or Marvel, Tek Out.
Harry Potter & Marvel, T, English, Sci-Fi & Romance, chapters: 14, words: 36k+, favs: 133, follows: 139, updated: 12/19/2018 published: 12/4/2018, [Harry P., OC] Draco M., S. Rogers/Captain America
Return of House Emerys: Merlin and the Basilisk »
Hey Guys, Tek here, sorry for the delay, but here is a few chapters of the second part of Return of House Emerys, I hope you enjoy, also disclaimers, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Harry Potter, but I do own the Decks that the main characters use, Bye for now.
Harry Potter & Yu-Gi-Oh, T, English, Adventure & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 36, words: 77k+, favs: 120, follows: 101, updated: 12/19/2018 published: 11/30/2017, [Harry P., Luna L.] [Astoria G., OC]
RWBY: Mages and Students »
Hey Boys and Girls, Tek here, Now, i'll cut right to the chase, this story was made from boredom, so if it isn't good, well it wasn't meant to be, have fun, i hope you enjoy, I don't own Fairy Tail or RWBY, Tek Out.
Fairy Tail & RWBY, T, English, Adventure & Family, chapters: 7, words: 10k+, favs: 12, follows: 13, updated: 12/18/2018 published: 7/10/2018
The Nature Goddess' Son (Re-Write) »
Hey there everyone, Tekky here, now look, this story isn't technically mine. This story was written by Gamer95 and I have been asked to re-write and continue it in his place. I do not own Harry Potter or Kid Icarus.
Harry Potter & Kid Icarus, T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 2, words: 4k+, favs: 59, follows: 58, updated: 12/4/2018 published: 10/15/2018, Harry P., Viridi
Magic Justice »
Hey, Guys, Girls and Dunderheads, Tekky here for another story. Look folks, I'll be honest, I have been playing a few DC games and thought, why the fuck not, so I've started writing this, hate it, love it, that is entirely up to you. I do not own Harry Potter or DC Comics. Tek Out.
Harry Potter & Justice League, T, English, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, chapters: 7, words: 16k+, favs: 172, follows: 183, updated: 11/14/2018 published: 11/11/2018, [Harry P., Luna L.] Kent N./Doctor Fate, Hal J./Green Lantern
Titans of Magic »
Hey Guys and Gals, I was inspired by the new Godzilla Trailer and have started writing this, love it, hate it, or just plain read it for the heck out of it. Leave me some reviews and tell me how you think I did, Tek out.
Harry Potter & Godzilla, T, English, Adventure & Sci-Fi, chapters: 6, words: 21k+, favs: 120, follows: 102, updated: 10/25/2018 published: 8/18/2018, [Harry P., Daphne G.] King Ghidorah, Mothra